Chapter 21. Innocent eyes

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               I groaned as Apolo decided to disturb my precious sleep. I snuggled more into the soft mattress to block the light. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in a man's shirt and it wasn't my bed which made me jump on the bed, sitting straight but fell back as my head started pounding. 

               I heard the sound of the shower running. I closed my eyes as the headache became unbearable. As I closed my eyes, I started recollecting what had happened yesterday.

               My eyes flew open as I remembered what I did last night. I hid my face in the pillow embarrassed of myself. I was soo into my thoughts that I didn't listen the shower being turned off and the door to the bathroom being opened. 

               "You are up". I heard a deep husky voice that made a shiver run down my spine making me turn my head. I eyes went wide as I saw him just wrapped in a towel. Water was dripping from his hair making him look damn hot and sexy. I bit my lip as a particular drop caught my eye. 

               It traveled from his neck to his abs and then disappeared down into his towel which was lying dangerously low above his hips. I saw him smirking as he unwrapped his towel making himself completely naked.

               "What the fuck?" I shouted while turning around closing my eyes before my innocent eyes could experience something unholy.

               I felt the bed dip on either side of me as he hovered over me, with my back facing his front. He leaned down to my ear and whispered "like what you see love?" Fanning my ears with his hot minty breath. He pressed his body against my back while nibbling my ear. 

               "Get off me" I shouted wriggling. While doing so, my lower back accidentally rubbed against his member making him groan. I stopped my moments the second I heard his sexy groan. "You set me on fire love" he whispered brushing his lips against my ear. 

               His mouth slowly went down to my neck, sucking and nibbling there. He sucked on my sweet spot making me moan into the pillow. Hearing my moan I felt him smirk as he started biting and sucking at the same spot making me loose my mind.

               His hand slowly traveled down to my chest, grabbing one of my boobs from above my shirt, squeezing it making me moan at the unusual feeling. "Do you know how hard you are making me with that sexy sounds coming out of your sexy mouth babydoll?" He asked grinding his lower body against me making me gasp. 

               He trailed his other hand towards the South. He ran his hand on my thigh making me shiver. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning out. He ran his hand up my thigh stopping dangerously close to my womanhood.

               He started placing wet kisses all over the back of my neck. One of his hands slowly massaged my boob while the other again started running up and down my thigh. 

               "St..op" I let out a shaky breath, scared of the situation getting worse. He let out a frustrated groan moving away from me. I got off the bed and adjusted my dress before giving him a death glare.

               "I warn you Massimo. Never do it ever again" I said pointing my index finger towards him. I totally forgot the fact that he was completely naked.

               I was pinned to the wall as soon as the words left my mouth. "Why? Didn't you like it?" He asked moving dangerously close. "Don't you like the way my hands travel on your body?" He asked trailing his fingers on the side of my body. "Don't you like how my mouth turns you on?" He whispered kissing on my cleavage. "Don't you like me doing this" He asked slipping his hand under one of my thighs and lifting it up. 

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