Chapter 27. Friends close, enemies closer

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               I looked around to see blood splashed everywhere. All the opponents were dead. I walked into the house towards my office with Dario following me. I went in and sat on my chair. I kept my elbow on the chair handle, folding my legs looking at Dario.

               "We have killed all of them and few of our men got lightly injured. They are being treated. But we got a serious problem boss" he said. I looked at him to continue. 

               "They have kidnapped Alfonso" He said. As soon as the words left his mouth, the door opened revealing one of my men. He walked in and said "it's ready boss". I got up dismissing him. Dario looked at me confused but nevertheless followed me. 

               I walked out of the office going in different direction which is rarely used. I could feel Dario wanting to ask questions that are in his brain which is probably searching for the pieces to connect but he decided to keep his mouth shut.

               We walked down a corridor turning right. The lights became dim as we reached the door which had one of the most dangerous things inside. The door opened as I entered the code. We entered into a dark room. We walked further till a dim red light appeared in the front. 

               We walked through the corridor, entering a room where few of my men were in their positions and a man tied up to a chair in the middle of the room. Everyone were looking at the man, eager to know who he is. No one had a slight idea who he was. 

               His head was hanging low, still not conscious. He moved a little making everyone curious. I walked to him and grabbed his hair, pulling it, making him look up. The room fell silent as everyone was shocked to see whom I had captured.

               "What the fuck? He

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               "What the fuck? is all this?" Dario decided to break the silence. I let his hair go while standing up straight. I walked behind his chair, towards the table at the corner of the room saying "do you remember what my dad used to say 'keep friends close and enemies closer' and that's what I did" I said taking a knife. 

               I walked back to him, bending to his level. "Your plan was perfect. No flaws at all. The only thing that you did wrong that dragged you down is you didn't do enough homework on me. You forgot who I am and what I can be" I said while playing with his fingers. "These are the fingers that put the tracker in me right?" I said sliding my knife under his right hand figures. 

               He tried to pull away his hands but the rope on his hand opposed his tries. I held his figures with my left hand stretching them while I pulled my knife up detaching his fingers from his hand, making him scream at the top of his lungs. His figures were in my left hand, covering my palm in blood as I stood up walking behind him.

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