Chapter 22. Hope his fangs don't pop out

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                'I soo want to break his hand right now' I thought, glaring at his hand. His left hand was holding the steering while his right hand has been on my left thigh since the time we got into the car. I pushed his hand away but him being the stubborn one, put his hand back on my thigh but a little bit higher than before making me feel something I had never felt before.                 

                I was a little uncomfortable but at the same time it felt good and that was what I didn't want to feel. I pushed his had once again glaring at him. He snapped his head towards me and gripped my thigh once again a little tight but not too tight that can hurt me and a little more up that was slowly turning me on. 

               He turned his head back to the front keeping his eyes on the road. I could feel the heat of his hand through my jeans. I bit my lip as he stared drawing circles on my inner thigh. I gripped his hand to stop it but in vain.

               He started moving more up while glancing at me. He was too near to my privates when my phone rang. I mentally thanked the person who called me as he took his hand off placing it on the steering giving me space to lift the call.

               I took my phone out and saw ❤babe❤ calling. I saw him glancing at my phone as his eyes turned dark. I mentally smirked as my evil mind got an evil idea. "Hey baby!" I said smiling brightly. "Where the fucking hell are you?" She screamed through the phone. "Calm down baby. I am fine. And I am on my way back." I said and glanced at Massimo who had a death grip on the steering. 

               Oh God how much I love teasing this man. "You better be here in 30 minutes cause you are already late" she shouted cutting the call before I could reply. I was about to take the phone away from my ear when I saw Massimo fuming. So I decided to enjoy a little bit more. 

               "Don't worry baby, I will be in your arms in just few minutes. I am missing your warmth too" I said and was about to say more when I was pushed to a side due to the sharp turn of the car. My phone slipped my hand and fell somewhere under the seat as he applied sudden breaks. 

               "What the fuck?" I shouted and in a blink I was pushed onto the car's door by the devil. I looked at him and got shocked. If his eyes were dark earlier then now they had become the darkest. "I just hope his fangs don't pop out" my subconscious jumped in. He came dangerously towards me, fanning my face with his hot breath.

               His hand found it's way under my shirt, pushing it up. His hand slid on my skin giving me goosebumps. I shivered a little as his fingers touched the rim of my bra. "You are only mine" he said possessiveness dripping in his voice as he smashed his lips onto mine. He bit my lower lip making me open my mouth. He pushed his tongue in, tasting every corner of my mouth. He pulled himself back and attacked my neck. 

               He started giving me wet kisses making me bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out. His moved his lips towards my sweet spot. He licked the place and then grazed his teeth on the spot making a moan escape my mouth. Then a scream left my mouth as he bit me hard. Not too hard to tear my skin but hard enough to leave a mark. 

               "Are you a dog?" I screamed trying to push him away. He pinned my hands on the top of my head looking deep into my eyes. His eyes were still dark. I held his gaze, staring back with the same intensity.

               "I am too good to be yours Mr. Romano" I said. "Let's see" He whispered smashing his lips onto me again but this time more rough. 

               It was nothing like before. He kissed me for atleast 5 minutes. He broke the kiss leaving me panting. I sucked in the air hungrily. He caressed my cheeks with his palm while his thumb started caressing my now swollen lips. His eyes were fixed on my reddened lips while he asked "what are you doing to me Amelia?" I sucked in a breath listening to my name rolling down his tongue effortlessly. 

               He pecked my lips saying "though I know that it was just you trying to tease me yet it made me loose my mind. It made me want to claim you. It made me want to make you completely mine right now, right here." All this time his eyes were fixed on me. He once again leaned in and kissed me but this time it was gentle, full of love and passion. 

               I could see the desire in his eyes. Things were getting heated up. He pulled back and said "let's go to your college before I loose my control and do something that you aren't ready for." He got back onto his seat leaving me all red. My cheeks were on fire and I was all wet.

               He adjusted himself and my eyes went wide when they fell on his hardness. "Don't look at it or else don't blame me for loosing control" He groaned making me turn my face towards the window. His hand again rested on my thigh making me suck in a sharp breath as a tried to control my rising heartbeat. He started the car and drove off from the place.

               As we were on our way to my college we heard a blast and not after long our car was thrown into the air. It made flips, slamming us to the car walls. Everything was so fast. I heard Massimo screaming my name as he shielded my body with his. 

               As soon as the car touched the ground, the air bags flew open and the windows broke making the glass pieces penetrate our skin

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               As soon as the car touched the ground, the air bags flew open and the windows broke making the glass pieces penetrate our skin. I could feel Massimo's heavy breaths and the blood dripping until everything went silent....

Ciao buddies!

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