Chapter 6: Natsu gets ready to save Aang

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In Delfino Plaza, Natsu and gang start to load up Appa to go and save Aang. However Natsu noticed that Aladdin, Alibaba and Morgiana were not there.

Natsu: Wait, where's Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin?

FM54321: IDK, but I think they're going to that carnival market in Bianco Square.

Natsu: Yeah I guess so.

Sonic the Hedgehog: (pissed) Oh come on man. Why do they get to have fun?

Mario: (whines) WHAAAAAAAA!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natsu: Okay know two go to party.

Mario and Sonic then cheer with glee.

Natsu: But keep an eye on Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin.

Sonic the Hedgehog: (annoyed) Okay.

Mario: (annoyed) Fine

So the two then run off to the party area.

Later on Yamraiha then arrives and she then stops in front of Natsu.

Yamraiha: (stern) Got a message from Sinbad.

Natsu: What is it?

Yamraiha: He says he found out about Aang still being alive from Sharrkan who spotted him while heading to Heliohapt Kingdom.

Natsu: (stern) Anyone else with him?

Yamraiha: 3 people, one dark skinned girl, one dark skinned guy and an Earth Kingdom ethnic girl who's short and is blind.

Natsu: Damn it.

SMG4: What's wrong with that?

Natsu: IDK if they're allies or enemies.

Xbox997: Yeah I guess that makes sense.

Meanwhile at the carnival market in Bianco Square, Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana with Sonic and Mario following them were enjoying the attractions. 

There are a bunch of tents full of stuff such as food like fruits, candy, Ice cream, cakes and various other stuff like games and all kinds of transportable rides from Pinna Park. Tons of people were having fun which they were never able to do after the invasion by the Imperialista Powers (Eggman Empire, Kou Empire, Fire Nation, Parthevia Empire and Koopa Empire), the chaos and terrorism caused by Judar and his thugs and Ifrit Golem's rampage.

Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin then see a troupe of lady dancers dancing in front of a bunch of people as they cheered. Then there was a bunch of Piantas surrounding two female Pianta dancers, a yellow and a fuchsia one who are often accompanied by a blue male Pianta playing a ukulele. The bunch of Piantas surrounding the three cheered like crazy.

Morgiana then vanishes as she sees group dancing.

Mario: (whispers sad to Sonic) Man she hates the Doot Doot sisters.

Sonic the Hedgehog: (whispers sad) I know it is sad.

After the performance Alibaba and Aladdin notice Morgiana vanished.

Alibaba Saluja: Wait where's Morgiana?

Aladdin: (says in derp mode) Maybe she decided to find a new boyfriend.

Mario: (whispers with a giggle) I hope it's Bell.

Sonic the Hedgehog: (whispers pissed) I hope it's nobody and she stays with Alibaba?

Suddenly Jeffy appears next to Sonic.

Jeffy: (whispers like a dumbass) What are we doing?

Sonic notices Jeffy and freaks out.

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