Chapter 9: The Fight

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In the Capital in the Kingdom of Bamaria (which looks like Ragoon during Konbaung dynasty era Burma) two young men were in a building.

The First young man is a lean and fairly muscular young man of average height. He has red, ringed eyes and black medium length hair with a long, segmented ponytail that stretches down to his ankles. He wears purple makeup on his eyes, which fades toward the inner portions of his eyelids. He sports an Indian chunnari around his shoulders and a small, short-sleeved, black, midriff-baring choli, which is where he keeps his Magic Wand. He also sports an Indian leg dress, which stops at his ankles but does not wear shoes. He has gold bangle bracelets that extend from his elbows to his wrists and a gold bangle necklace with a ruby in the center that is inspired by Rajasthani folk dancers.

The other young man has short dark red hair and eyes of the same color which he usually keeps closed. He wears a black top with a gold trim and an overcoat with the same color and design. He also has two brown belts with a gold buckle around his waist.

The first young man is named Judar and his comrade the other young man is Vito.

These two young men are the leaders and enforcers of the Army of Young adult Anarchists and Terrorists who have the desires in merging the world of Mobius with a Place of Terror, Darkness and Destruction known as Subspace. They were in the Kingdom of Bamaria's capital city on their way to Ba Sing Se.

The reason they were headed there was because the terrorist army known as the Boxer Boulders used his thugs in a raid in Delfino Plaza which resulted in Natsu coming to get the Avatar. Judar after finding out the Avatar was alive and heading there was music to his ears, because with the Avatar in his hands, he can commit to operation Apocalypse. But the Imperialista powers accidentally interrupted the natural flow of the plan after they saw the Avatar in their territory. Worst of all those three bitches from the Fire Nation are here and Judar knows he can't fight them because their nobles from the Fire Nation. He and Vito were discussing the plans on how to commence their operation.

Judar: (angry) Are you serious, you're saying you're gonna bring them to fight Natsu?

Vito: Yes and I'm sorry Judar, but they are our best option at the moment.

Judar: (groans) Great, why did those idiots decide to stay back.

Vito: They decided to stay back and cause trouble for the Mushroom Squad while Natsu is coming here to save the Avatar.

Judar: And Mecha Sonic and Jackal are the only ones here since I sent them to hunt down Aang and Zuko.

Vito: But he might have interference from the "three bitches" of the Fire Nation and Yamato.

Judar: Let Yamato handle Zuko, I trust him more than three teenager girls I don't even know that well.

Vito: They are not looking for the Avatar. They're after the two Shit Skin children of Hakoda.

Judar: Why so?

Vito: So they can lure him and his tribe into a trap and imprison them in the Fire Nation's slave dungeon.

Judar: And why would they be going after the bald monkey boy.

Vito: Because their targets are with him.

Judar: What do their targets look like?

Vito: One is a Shit Skin girl who is aged 14 named Katara and one is a Shit skin boy who is age 15 named Sokka.

Judar: (sighs annoyed) Anyone else.

Vito: Yes, a 12 year old Earth Kingdom Ethnic girl who is blind.

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