Chapter 15: Sokka goes Dungeon Hunting

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Beside the Royal Palace of the Earth Kingdom is a Palace that looks like the National Palace Museum in Taipei Taiwan except it is in Earth Kingdom Colors, Dr. Eggman arrived with his wife, daughter, son, Judar, Lilith, Persephone and Vito with his guard.

Judar: (impressed) So this is the meeting house?

Dr. Eggman: Yes it is, It was formerly the Palace of the Dì fǎshī yīzú.

Vito: (confused) Dì fǎshī yīzú?

Dr. Eggman: The Dì fǎshī yīzú is the name of the Earth Mage Clan who lived there for 2,000 years.

Lilith Ashgar: (asks cheerful) So what happened to them?

Dr. Eggman: (smiles gleefully) Simple my dear their head wizard married a Nymph and their Nymph Daughter fell in love with another girl who was pretty as her.

Dr. Eggman: (continues) Unfortunately the Nymph and her mother were killed with the lover who made her boyfriend cry and after that the whole family then killed themselves.

Judar: (freaked out) Whoah.

Dr. Eggman: (sighs) Yes society is messed up.

Persephone Hansworth: (snickers) I guess we arrived at a haunted palace.

Dr. Eggman: (says with a sneer) Yes my dear we have.

The Doors then opened as they entered the Palace. They walked through a vast hallway full of Eggman Empire Gas powered lanterns and portraits of Earth Kingdom sages.

The group finally arrived in the dinning room where they meet up with officials of the Eggman Empire, Kou Empire, Parthevian Empire, Fire Nation and Koopa Empire.

With the Kou Officials are Emperor Koutoku and Empress Gyokuen as they chatted while Earth Kingdom Ethnic servants set up their part of the table. Koutoku and Gyokuen both noticed Eggman and his wife Elizabeth Robotnik as Elizabeth greeted Gyokuen with pleasure and even shook hands. Eggman then met up with Koutoku who shook his hand as they patted each other on the back.

Emperor Koutoku Ren: Ah Eggman my friend, It is wonderful to see you.

Dr. Eggman: Oh Ho glad to meet with you your majesty.

Emperor Koutoku Ren: I see you had a long travel here.

Dr. Eggman: Yes, yes, but I got myself proper bodyguards, plus the Dai Li were here to also protect me.

Emperor Koutoku Ren: Good, Good, I am pleased that you are safe because I had a little incident in Imperial Territory of Alf's Royal Forest.

Dr. Eggman: What happened?

Emperor Koutoku Ren: Elf assassin tried to kill me.

Dr. Eggman: I hope you handled him or her.

Emperor Koutoku Ren: We did and he's executed with his family.

Dr. Eggman: Good, because that would have been a terrible tragedy if we lost you.

Emperor Koutoku Ren: And a terrible time for me to die since we are at war with the rebels our Empires.

Dr. Eggman: Yes and I would hate to have you end up dead like your own brother.

Emperor Koutoku Ren: My brother's death was such a tragedy, no thanks to those accursed Kouga Nationalists.

Dr. Eggman: I know how bad that was, and I feel sorry for you even today.

Emperor Koutoku Ren: Yes, but the terrible past is behind us for we will have a glorious future.

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