Chapter 14: The Friday the 13th Episode

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In Ba Sing Se in the Hotel Room of Judar and Vito, Judar was meditating on the bed until he was waken up by something. That something takes the appearance of a black and dark purple starfish with six black-tipped squamous probes and a brutally large red-orange eye in its center. Emerging from its eye and moving along its limbs, it has six blood-red lines.

Judar: Well well, if it ain't the eye of Doom, what brings you here?

Doom's Eye: I have decided to check on your progress on resurrecting your foster father.

Judar: It's going well, my wife has found all the ingredients in my home is coming here as we speak, however we need to find the Primordial Soup which is in the Crystal Catacombs.

Doom's Eye: Make sure it is done before the 1st of January 1900 a.o.d because that is the day we will arrive and take this planet as our own.

Judar: I will sir and I will succeed.

Doom's Eye: Good because if you, your foster father and your minions fail us we will wipe you out with the rest of the humans.

Judar: I know, sir.

Doom's eye (the eye of Doom) then leaves as he flies into the sky like he never came.

As Doom's eye left, Vito arrived.

Judar: (stern) What is it Vito?

Vito: (huffs tired) Good news and bad news boss.

Judar: (curious) What's the good news?

Vito: (sneers with evil glee) Our wives have arrived with hordes of thugs.

Judar: (snickers) Great, but what's the bad news?

Vito: (groans) The Rich People in the Upper Ring are givin her a damn hard time here.

Judar: (says pissed) Bring me to them, we need to save our beautiful wives from harassment.

Judar and Vito then leave their room and they then walk through the halls of the Hotel. They finally got to the entrance as they then called for an Ostrich Horse pulled Taxi Cart.

Judar: Take us to the Upper Ring Train Station.

The driver then nodded with approval as he then whipped his Ostrich Horse to dash to the station through the vast upper ring as Aristocrats seeing the dashing cart then try to stop it, but they fail or they jump out of the way.

Vito: (pissed) Damn it what is their problem?

Judar: (groans) They're idiots.

The group finally arrived as they saw Judar's wife with another woman.

This woman has the appearance of a young albino girl with ghost-white skin and long silver-white hair. She keeps her extraordinarily long, flowing, straight hair loose on the top of her head but from her neck down she styles it in an extremely large braid. She has ruby red eyes and because of her white hair and red eyes, she looks like a relative of Bell Cranell. Her clothes consist of a one-piece dress with wide-open sleeves and a large hood that she often uses.

The two girls were being harassed by Earth Kingdom peasants who were bowing to them and trying to touch her.

Lilith Ashgar: Ugh, Get the hell away from us you uncivilized boons.

Persephone Hansworth: I thought Peasants weren't allowed here.

Judar and Vito arrived as Judar then ignites his fists with flames that are light blue and white combined as he wave his ignited hands to scare the mob of Peasants who were freaking out.

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