Chapter 18: The Familia of Ba Sing Se

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Ba Sing Se, September 12 1899 a.o.d

It was a cold Summer night in the walled city. The air was cold to the point that the crops in the lush fields in the Agrarian Zone were stone cold. The communities in the Agrarian Zone and the communities in the Lower ring were quiet and pitch black. This was no night to wander around, socialize and have fun.

This was a dreary night, a sad night as the lower ring and Agrarian Zone had nights like these ever since the downfall. Before that time, Ba Sing Se used to be the impenitentrable city. It's vast outer wall and vast inner wall made sure of it for none, except the coalition that consists of the Kou Empire, Fire Nation and their puppet states led by General Iroh, 3rd Prince of the Fire Nation which failed. Around that time, Ba Sing Se was the home for refugees and their refuge during the invasion and conquest of the vast Earth Realm.

Sadly, Due to the impoverished state of the citizens of the Lower Ring, as well as the influx of refugees, the crime rate is significantly higher. And this sadly weakened the Lower Ring to the point that it was easily taken over by the Bane Familia, a Terrorist Familia led by the God of War, Jihadism and Destruction, Bane.

The takeover of Bane made the Lower Ring nothing more than a hub for Rogue Nation Type Familias, Dark Guilds and terrorist armies which made the crime wave go out of control. The Rogue Nation Type Familias had created various rogue states within the Lower Ring that are dominated by them and their dark guild and terrorist subordinates who make money off of selling impoverished families, homeless families, street urchins and orphans as slaves, robbing banks, stores and waging wars against their enemies.

The Agrarian Zone is no better, for the farmers and their families were worked like dogs by Drug dealers and their henchmen growing poppy flowers to create drugs such as opium to sell in the markets within the lower ring so that slavers can drug the slaves that they are unable to sell and have them butchered into meat that they can eat as food. The citizens cannot flee for the Upper Ring and Middle Ring are nothing more than concessions of the Eggman Empire, Kou Empire, Fire Nation, Parthevia Empire and the Koopa Empire who support the vile terrorists.

Due to these circumstances, Ba Sing Se is no longer safe for refugees or a welcoming environment for the refugees who have to take refuge overseas, commit suicide or die fighting for their lives as a way to save themselves. The Bane Familia and their Boxer Boulder forces desire to have refugees so they can the slavery markets grow and prosper. And Nations of the Seven Seas Alliance like Sindria are problematic for they will prevent the slave rings from making a profit.

In the lower ring a man wearing a man wearing a Boxer Boulder Boss uniform rushes through the city. He is a part Sandbender part Earth Realm Ethnic man who is in his late thirties and early forties with really long shaggy hair. This man is Mongkut Zhou and he's the captain of Bane Familia.

And he was on the run as he and his fellows were escaping a war between the Mobian Wolves, Werewolves and Trollocs of the Malar Familia and the Mobian Lions, Mobian Tigers, Mobian Cheetahs, Mobian Leopards, Mobian Jaguars, Mobian Panthers, Mobian Lynxes, Cat people, Charrs and Rakshasas of the Mehit familia.

Zhou then arrived at a building that looks like an ancient Chinese temple. He then enters the area as he is welcomed by Boxer Boulder thugs who were training in combat and kowtowing to the Decan of Bane, their god. He then enters the temple and arrives in the worship room. The worship room is full of pillars decorated with Chinese Dragons the color of Earth and Badgermoles. The room was jade green with industrial lampposts as lights. In the center of the room is a giant pile of dirt decorated with pillars bearing the banner of the Bane Familia, a black banner with gold and white words that praise Bane and a white circle with the Decal of Bane, a black three fingered claw.

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