Chapter 13: Zuko in Kanzabar

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Finally after 2 weeks of long travel, Judar and Vito arrive at Ba Sing Se and as they do they are greeted by a guy. The man's distinctive features are his yellow eyes and his tongue, both of which are serpentine in appearance. His pale skin is also somewhat peculiar, bearing what appears to be a snake skin's markings in the area around and on his nose. Other than that, he sports a green bowl cut haircut, and a cloak, with the upper part having a rectangular pattern. Under the said cloak, he dons a coat, and, lastly, he wears round-shaped earrings.

Orochi Head: Hello there, you must be Judar right?

Judar: Yes.

Orochi Head: (says with pleasure) Do come with me he wants to see you.

Judar: Who?

A Boxer Boulder then arrived and escorted them to a monorail train station. As they got on the platform, a train comes their way. The train is powered by two earthbenders standing at the end of the vehicle, pushing it along the tracks.

Vito: Shit, I never knew the capital was that advanced.

Judar: Me neither, (sneers) such a shame the rest of the Earth Kingdom doesn't have stuff like this.

Vito: If they did then they would be hard to conquer.

The two then entered the train. Inside, there are benches provided for easy travel comfort, as well as overhanging bars that travelers can hold on to when there is no room to sit down. The schematics of the monorail show that the windows of the train are covered with paper to hold the wind out, but can also be opened to allow people to look outside. The benches were full of Daofei, Dark Mages, Criminal Adventures and Evil Smashers with hordes of Boxer Boulders. The train started to move as the Earthbender opperatiors bended the train all the way to a train station. The train opened it's doors as all the thugs who had faces of evil glee barged out as hooted and hollered stuff like "FREE REAL ESTATE!!!" The doors shut as unsettling destruction occurred as people were panicking and screaming.

After that Dr. Eggman arrived as he was attended by a man. The man is a tall, muscular middle-aged man with extremely long dark hair, which is gathered on the back of his head, leaving his forehead exposed, and tied in a clothed ponytail, reaching down below his waist, adorned by thin, dark strips crossing its whole length, and having his hair sprout from its end in a large tuft. He has a large, mildly hooked nose, and prominent bags under his eyes. He has very thin eyebrows, as well as an upper lip, and possesses bushy triangular sideburns angled upwards, and some stubble around his chin and lower face. On the back of his left wrist is a dark tattoo with an open rhomboidal shape, resembling a large arrow bent in two angles to point towards its back. The man wears a light-colored, sleeveless cloth, reaching down to his knees both on the front and, larger, on the back, which is open on the sides, but held closed around the waist by a light sash. On the front, the part of the cloth covering the man's legs is adorned by a large, stylized dark-colored sun, and its lower chest has a pair of dark wings, with their stylized feathers extending sideways, over it. The cloth's edges are decorated by four stripes, with the dark two being the central ones, and the other, light-colored ones flanking them on both sides. Below such cloth, he wears a dark-colored shirt with a high, round collar adorned on the front by a small metal plate, with its shape resembling a rounded, capsized pyramid, and sleeves reaching down below his elbows. His legs are covered by a pair of dark baggy pants, with a light stripe going down each leg's side, which are tucked inside a pair of bright-colored boots. Over his entire outfit, the man wears a large, bright-colored overcoat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with his arms out of its sleeves. The coat has a high collar and edges sided by a line of small, dark triangles pointing sideways. On its back is a large kanji, meaning "Blue" (蒼), likely in reference to Bluenote's own name, and both of its sleeves are also emblazoned with a larger version of the same symbol which the guy has tattooed on his left wrist.

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