Chapter 8: The Kingdom of Nguyen

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Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph were running from Kou Soldiers chasing them in Tundra Tanks and with Egg Hammers. Toph uses her Earthbending and chucks a bunch of big boulders at the Tundra Tanks and Egg Hammers. Aang then blows wind at 234 mph speed at a Tundra tank as it knocks down the Egg Hammers like dominos. Katara creates an octopus out of water and bends the tentacles at the soldiers. Sokka then throw his Boomerang at a Kou Soldier as it knocks the soldier down unconscious. Sokka then jumps up into a tree and grabs coconuts in which he throws the coconuts at the soldiers who dodge them. Sokka then realizing the coconuts were not working then grabs a branch and swings on it as he kicks the soldiers in the faces.

Sokka: (yells cocky) Take that losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However the Kou Soldiers then brought in a giant walking machine. The beastly machine looks like the one of the Cyklop Stormwalkers from the Leviathan Trillogy by Scott Westerfield except it has guns on it's head and guns on it's arms and has an Ifrit face on it's stomach. The Mech is red with the part surrounding the gun and the Ifrit face being colored turquoise. It looks like a Part Chicken Part Ifrit like Oni Creature from Japanese Mythology. The gun on the machine's head charged up as it was about to fire something deadly.

Sokka: OH SHIT!!!!!!!

Aang: (concerned) What's the matter Sokka.

Sokka: (pointing at the Chicken Ifrit Stormwalker) That.

Aang seeing the giant walker walker dropped his jaws at the beastly robot, but he then grabbed his staff, turned it into a glider and flew towards the giant walker.

Aang then went on top of a giant hill to push a giant boulder on the Chicken Ifrit Storm walker and quickly before it destroys half of the forest. Aang pushed hard and hard, but sadly he had no luck as the boulder would not move at all. Aang then sees the Walker is closer to firing it's cannon which makes Aang panic and hurry the boulder up. Toph then notices Aang after fighting a bunch of Kou Soldiers.


Aang: Trying to push a boulder on the scary warmachine.

Toph: Twinkle Toes that boulder is stiff in it's place, you can't move it without Earthbending.

Aang: Damn it.

Toph then jumps up and pushes the boulder on the Walker, which it was too late as the Walker already fired a laser surrounded by volts of lightning that destroyed most of the forest. The forest after that was in flames as the Kou Soldiers then retreat as Aang gets angry and tries to wipe the soldiers out. The soldiers then are blown all over the place as they land into the junk piles that consist of their destroyed equipment. Aang then was pissed about not saving the forest feeling that the animals that called that part of the forest now destroyed by the Walker home.

Aang: (pissed) Great, just great, a who chunk of Nature is dead because I failed to destroy a giant weapon of mass destruction.

Toph: Aang you thought you could push a boulder down on that thing, but the boulder was too strong, unless you were an Earthbender like me.

Aang: (mad) Jeeze you should have helped earlier!

Toph: (annoyed) Twinkle Toes I was fighting a bunch of tanks, soldiers and giant robots trying to kill me!

Aang: Duh I know that, because they're from an Empire that hates us and we're in their turf.

Katara: (angry) Aang, stop!!!!! (and then says in a soothing manner) I know how you feel, but there's nothing we could do.

Aang: (gruff) Thanks, but I just hope this does not get us into trouble.

Katara: Good because you need lessons in waterbending .

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