White Void

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Mugoris in this chapter U3U
Boris's POV:
Me and Mugman we're currently hanging out with Cala, talking about the future and past. "And that's how I somehow got into that evil me!" Cala said as me and Mugman, "oooh" ed.

"Well, i mean are least you didn't do it on purpose." I said.

"Yea-" Mugman then stopped, me and Cala stared at him with worry. Cuphead then came running into the room and took hold of his brother in his arms.

"Cuphead whats going on?!" I asked "is Mugman okay?!" Cala then asked.

"Someone is stuck in the white void!" Mugman shouted.

"White void?" Me and Cala said in sync.

Cuphead sighed. He got up and took his brother to a chair and placed Mugman on it and gave him a drink.

He then walked over to us. And sat down on the floor where me and Clara was. "Look, there is a world out there called the 'white Void'." Cuphead said, he took out four different coloured pens

🟣⚫️🔴🔵purple, black, red and blue

And then took out a plain paper. He showed us the plain paper.

"This is the world." He said, "it's nothing but white." He finished. He put the paper on the coffee table and drew a line in the middle of the paper and coloured the other half in purple.

"The purple part is the outside world, where we are right now."

Outside world White Void

"If someone kind hearted dies, the white void will be created, and the kind hearted person will be trapped in the white void for years and years until they go insane and turn evil."


"The once 'kind hearted' person is now the red." Cuphead said, as me and Clara nodded.

"On the outside there will be a portal, which is the blue bit."


He drew the portal, "if someone goes near the Portal they will either be forced in, or someone in the white void would grab them and pull them in.



"The evil person will then get replaced from the person on the outside." Cuphead sighed. "And the person from the outside will be stuck there until someone els comes to replace their spot." Cuphead sighed.

"And when this happens, me and Mugman get a shockwave, it was send a horrible vibration across our body, since Mugman is not use to it, he'll stay still for a while, letting the vibration calm down." Cuphead said, as me and Cala nodded.

"So long story short, if someone is stuck in the white void, they can't get out unless there is someone there to replace them?" I asked as Cuphead groaned and nodded, "yes, yes that's what I meant." He said as I sighed.

"Do you know who it is?" Cala asked as Cuphead shook his head. "We know when and how, we just don't know who." Cuphead said as me and Cala nodded. I got up and went to Mugman, seeing that he was moving a lot more now.

"You feeling better?" I asked him as he smiled and nodded. He then pulled me down into a hug and I hugged him back.

We then heard someone open the door to the room, we turned and saw it was Bendy, "hey have you guys seen Felix? Or has he texted you?" Bendy's asked as we all shook our heads.

"No why?" Cala asked, "Oswald said that Felix isn't answering to any of his text messages or calls, and it's starting to get us worried." Bendy said as we all went into thought.

"Maybe Felix is with some other girl, having fun ya know." Cala said as Bendy slapped her and we all gasped.

"Felix is a lot of things, but he's definitely not a cheater!" Bendy shouted, as Cala rubbed her head. "Okay okay!" Cala said.

Felix's POV:
Ozzy? Ozzy! OZZY!!! I picked up my phone to see him ringing me, I answered but before anything or anyone could say or do anything, my phone exploded. 'I'm so lucky that, that was  a spare phone.' I thought and moved away from the broken pieces of the phone. I groaned and fell on my back.

How did I get in the situation again?....

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