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•Felix's POV:•
There was a whole village down there. Conor took hold of my hand and helped me slide down the rout, I felt like I was in an ants kingdom but, we were bigger. I looked around in amazement as I looked around. Dirt houses, mud houses, tree houses heck even stuck houses. I was so, elegant.

I looked over a small mud house to see kids playing tag/tig, running about and all sorts, next to it was a garden full of crops, like carrots, strawberry's and tomato's.

"I'm speechless." I mumbled, I then realised Conor still held my hand, I quickly removed it and followed Conor.

"So, I'll help ye get outta here. We will make deals without a doubt." Conor said, I looked over at him.

"Deals? Like what kind?" I asked.

"Like how I'll let you stay at my place for a lil' while, and in return, you do me dishes ay?" Conor said. I went into thought. And nodded.

"Seems fair." I smiled, Conor hummed and showed me the way to his house. We entered his house which was a mud house.

"I'll get ya bedroom ready, you do the dishes." He pointed at the sink, I looked over to see not so much. They were actual pottery as well.

He went off somewhere els and I grabbed the soap, a sponge and some poured water into the sink and began to clean the dishes.

After a while I felt a little tug. I looked down to see it was a young girl. Must've been Conors daughter.

"Hello little one." I smiled. I finished washing up and started to dry the dishes.

"I heard you were stayin' here for a lil' while." The young girl said. I smiled and nodded.

"Indeed I am, would you like me to do something for you?" I asked. Putting the now dry dishes back to where they should be.

"Ya! I'm goin' bed in a few minutes and pap iz too busy with work, can ya read me a book?" She asked. Giving me puppy eyes.

"Put those puppy eyes away, I was going to say yes anyway." I pattered her head.

"My names Aoife"

(If you don't know how to say Aoife just say ee-fa, that's how you pronounce her name)

"What a lovely name I'm Felix." I said. We shook hands.

And then Conor spoke, "hug Aoife dul glan do sheomra!" They're speaking Irish.

"ach daidí im ag caint le Felix! an gcaithfidh mé é a dhéanamh anois?!" Aoife asked.

(And then Conor spoke, "hey Aoife go clean your room!"
"But dad I'm talking to Felix! Do I have to do it now?!")

"Yes! Now go do it!" Conor shouted.


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