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-Anonymous asks-
Hey what's Cuphead and the rest doing?

Cuphead's POV:
Well we are here just having dinner, although Oswald keeps looking at Felix's seat, it has t even been a day and he's already acting like a baby, I groaned as I looked down at Bendy thinking what it must feel like if he went on a could be dangerous adventure, I frowned and looked at my food and began to eat thinking of all Felix could be doing, he could be injured or maybe he's gathering dry wood or food. Who knows. Well certainly non of us.

"Hey mug can you pass the salt please?" Boris asked pointing at the salt where I sat next to Mugman's arm on the table, I thought nothing of the situation until I heard my brother say, "only if you give me a kiss." Both me and Bendy looked at Mugman annoyed until Boris kissing him but made it short as Mugman blushed and gave Boris the salt, I groaned as did Bendy as we then both stared at each other then laughed.

Yeah yeah I know their short! But I'm really busy making the other books finished as well.

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