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•Felix's POV:•
"Weeeeee!" I shouted, As my arms were in the air. I was riding a massive worm that was running away from a massive bird.
As soon as the bird was about the grab the worm I got to my knees and jumped. I was so excited I ended up floating in the air since I wasn't calm. I watch the action of the bird eating the worm in action and I cringed when I saw blood. I quickly laughed at natures work and Floated to the ground. The gravity here was so fun to play around with. I should bring the kids here.

I jumped off a small cliff and unfortunately the gravity and pressure went back to normal. Since it was sudden and stumbled a bit but was fine after a few seconds. I sighed and carried on walking until a familiar wolf came forward.
"Accaila!" I smiled as she ran forward, I went down on one knee and opened my arms as she ran into them, jumping onto me and hugged me as I fell down. Accaila licked my face as I laughed and petted her all over.
"Oh I've missed you!" I laughed.
Her tail wagged rapidly. She's grown quite a bit.
"My Accaila you've grown havent you." I laughed as she nodded. She was bigger than me... WAY bigger than me. I surprised when she licked me she didn't swallow me whole. Or crushed me when she gave me a hug.
She sat down and waited for to climb on her.
I quickly climbed on her fur and reached her back, I grabbed onto her fur to stay stable and we began to run.

Taken away (BOOK 3 of The Accident & Nature) [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now