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Third person's POV:
Sheba decided it would be best just to go with Felix back home.
And so that's what she did.

Felix got his key and unlocked the door opening it letting Sheba go in first, "nice to know you still have manners Feel~" she said playfully as she messed up Felix's hair... again, Sheba simply entered the house with only 5 steps, as Felix easily just walked in and closed the door, quickly going upstairs Sheba just went to the living room and sat her ass down.

Felix's POV:
I went into the kids room placing the books on the table smiling as I left and went back downstairs to see Sheba already sat down and watching what the kids were. I smiled and went into the living room happily seeing Oswald but sadly saw Mickey and Oswald fighting, "guys what's going on?" I asked as they both looked at me and froze, "SEE!" Mickey yelled pointing at me as I only gave a face like this :>

"Sooo what have I missed?" I asked awkwardly, as Ozzy face planted, "Ioughtonednappedou.." Ozzy mumbled, I tilted my head, "pardon?" I asked, sitting down on a chair, Ozzy sighed and came up to my ear and whispered "I thought... you were kidnapped.." Ozzy whispered, as I giggled. "Kidnapped hunny I was only gone for ten minutes." I giggled yet again hugging Ozzy as he hugged me back buuuut.... never let go.

"Ozzy is it okay if I go on an adventure?" I asked as he now let go, he looked at me shocked, "its just been so long" I said giving him the most cutest kitty eyes I knew I could do, he looked away I grunted grabbing his cheeks making him look at me but his eyes were away, I growled and put our noses together, and started to purr as to now he has nothing els to look at but me.

He sighed "fine you can go." He said kissing me as I gladly kissed back completely forgetting Mickey was in the room.

This will be the last chapter for a while, and this goes for my other books too.

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