Two Days

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Felix's POV:
It's been what? A day, maybe a week, couple of hours, minutes, heh god knows.

I was just sitting there, well laying practically. I sighed as I heard nothing but my own breath.

I tossed and turned yet I couldn't get comfortable, and I was bored like HELL. Sure I can find a way out.

I've already done that like, 48 times, yet I couldn't find anything. Until I heard a noise as if it was paper being ripped in space, and the noise was old and jagged, I went towards it and saw a black hole, and then an arm peeked out of it. "What on earth?" I asked.

"Oi Matie, grab me hand or you'll go insane." He said, he had an Irish accent. I looked around once more. 'I don't want to be stuck here any longer.' I thought, I grabbed onto the guys hand, and he pulled me out and threw a squirrel in there. As I landed on the floor I immediately hugged it, "oh I missed the colour." I sighed in relief. "I can see that mate." The guy that had saved me said.

I looked up to see a pair of feet, I looked up to see a raccoon, "heya, how'd ye get in sat situation den huh?" He asked, grabbing my hand and pulled me, me being taller then him.

"Oh I'm not sure to be honest, I was just going for an adventure and someone grabbed my hand and pulled me in there." I said. Realising the hole had now disappeared.

"Ay, sorry I was late matie, took me two hole days to get cha out." The raccoon said, as my eyes widened.

"Tow hols days..." I repeated his words under my own breath, as he began to walk off, me being behind him.

"Where are we and thank you also." I bowed my head in respect.

The raccoon hummed, "we are just in the forest underground." The racoon said.

"Underground, that's why there's so much dirt." I whispered with a smile...

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