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pengeoshipper ask's:
Hi what is Accalia's POV when she met Felix?

Accalia's POV:
I was just attacked out of my hord for disobeying my alpha, I could feel pain but I didn't know where it was, since my whole body was hurting.

I accidentally stepped on a twig causing me to fall and it to brake, I make a loud whimper since it hurt my body twice as more, I then heard a couple of rustles in the bush, although kept my calm since it could've just been a bunny rabbit.

I lifted my head to see what it was and saw a living cat, a cartoon cat, I growled warning him to stay away, he put his arms up in surrender, honestly surprising me, but I couldn't let him know I was venerable so I didn't let it show but lowered my growl a bit, until he spoke "Hey girl, I'm here to help you, I don't want you to get hurt any more then you already are." He spoke calmly, I decided I will show my venerability and stopped growling I decided to trust him, I huffed a silent sigh and layer my head down resting it against the green grass, he walked a little closer to me glancing at my eyes, Hm wonder why? He sighed of relief as what it sounded like.

I heard him shuffling, guessing it was that thing that was on his belt and looked up, watching him take care for my wounds.

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