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-back with Felix-

Felix's POV:
The poor thing was injured but I tried to stay my distance since this wasn't a pup it was a grown up wolf, I took a step forward and the wolf's ear directed itself to me and what seems to be a she wolf lifted her head to look at me, and growled, I put my hands up in surrender as the wolf calmed down its growl a tincy bit.

"Hey girl, I'm here to help you, I don't want you to get hurt any more then you already are." I said in a calm tone as the wolf completely stopped growling and lates her head on the floor, I was shocked, it trusted me so fast. I think she is anyway unless she fell asleep. I walked up to her to see her awake and alive I sighed in relief and bent down taking my bag out, as the wolf moved her head to watch me care for her wounds.

I cleaned her leg and placed a bandage around her leg, stomach and her right paw which she was laying on so it was kinda difficult.

Once I was finished I moved away from the wolf looking into her green eyes and gave her a closed eye smile as the wolf started to to get up, I quickly put my hands under her chest not holding her but under just in case she falls and I can catch her, she started to limp towards me as I started to get nervous, she opened her mouth showing her sharp teeth and saliva as I closed my eyes ready to be bitten.

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