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•Felix's POV:•
"Where are we going?" I asked Conor. As I followed him through the cave.
"Your going to jump and carry on without me." Cot or said as my eyes widened and I looked towards him.
"What?" I asked.

"I'd go with you and help but I have a family and I need to stay with them." Conor said. I looked at him and smiled, nodding softly.

"I understand." I looked forward as he looked at me this time.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Conor asked. I laughed nervously.

"I'm with a man, I'm gay." I said softly but he still heard me.
I was waiting for him to say something disgusting. But...

"Oh my apologies, who's the lucky man then?" He asked, which shocked me. I smiled.

"His name is Oswald." Felix smiled. "And thanks."

"Thank for what?"

"Thanks for being supportive of me." I said softly.

"Well of course, if I found out my daughter was a lesbian I would support her, it's the way she is and there's no denying it. Just as long as the person she chooses is kind and thoughtful." He smiled.

We then made it to some edge. "Jump" Conor said. I looked down and saw a massive fall.


"Don't worry it's not as long as it seems to be." He smiled.

I nodded and have him a hug, he hugged back.
"Good luck." He said.

"Goodbye, and thank you." I said. He did a salute and I did the same before I fell.

Taken away (BOOK 3 of The Accident & Nature) [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now