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•Felix's POV:•
It's been a couple of hours and I had explained everything to Conor. He understands and is actually quite helpful in cheering me up.

He's really kind despite our little.. meet up.

-•Oswald's POV:•-
I was in my room, my kids all cuddled around Me and my hand rested in Felix's spot. I miss him so much...

But then I went into thought.

Felix went... and Ortensia is back but, she's not the same.

Felix is gone
Ortensia is back...

'Wait-' I remember reading an old fairy tail when I was a kid. Maybe it wasn't so much of a fairy tail at all.

The fairy Tail was about; in Corsco Jungle, there was a hidden portal, completely white as a void. But laid like a cave.

I carefully got up, making sure to not wake any of my kids awoken.

I walked out my room and went downstairs, grabbing my coat from my coat hanger and threw it over my shoulders.

Ortensia came running towards me, and then hugged my arm. "Oh, where is my Ozzy Wozzy going?" She asked, quivering her lip. I made a disgusted face and looked away.

"I'm just going to the library." I said, sighing to remain calm and gently pushed her away.

"Can I come?" She asked. I looked at her, a sweat dropped from my head as she made her eyes widen to try and look... cute. 'Wow, this only works for Felix.' I thought.

"No, I'll be back within a few minutes." I said and walked out before she could stop me.

I walked across the streets, getting closer and closer to my location with every step.

My mind was just a mix of different thoughts.

The fairy tail

All sorts, but they always drift back to Felix. Making me smile and blush a bit.

His adorable smile, his cute laugh.

I pulled out my phone and went onto my camera roll. I clicked on a video and watched him;

The kids kept jumping on him, dressing him up in make up and dresses. His laugh echoing through all our ears as he gave in through the cuteness.

He noticed I was recording and put his hand on the camera screen making me laugh and stop the video.

A small giggle left my lips and I put my phone away.

I was finally here.

Taken away (BOOK 3 of The Accident & Nature) [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now