Chapter 40 (Part III)

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Bella got a call from Olivia and she went outside to talk since the network was not good. I looked around the coffee shop and saw many couples. The waitress came back and served our drinks without looking at me. My girl really did a number on her, didn't she?

"Would like anything else?" she asked while looking at her notepad.

"Yeah, I think ice cream-" Just when I was going to tell which ones, Zack called and I immediately picked up.

"Hi." Zack said cheerfully. More cheerfully than he should have. Something is wrong.

"Hey. What is up with you?" I asked, confused.

"Which flavor would you like sir?" I was interrupted by the waitress who was waiting impatiently. Before answering her, I told Zack to wait.

"Can you give me a chocolate one and a strawberry one, please." she nodded and walked off. I felt my phone vibrate, making me realize that Zack was still on call.

"Oh my god, don't tell me that you guys are going to do the nasty. Or did you already do it? I am proud of you. I hope you didn't spoil my name."

"Wha- Whe- How the fuck did you even think of something so far? I was ordering the ice creams." I screamed into his ears.

"Sure, I would believe that. Anyway, I called you to ask whether you are coming to Nick's party?"

"Nick is hosting a party? Why didn't I know this?"

"Only if you would get your head out of Isabella legs would you know what is going on around you. At this rate, I doubt you know who the president of our country is."

"Shut up. I know."

"Shore. Are you coming to the party or not? If you're not going, I am not either."

"Yeah. I am coming."

"Fine then. See you- AHHHHH!"

"What happened?"


"Zack, calm down. Its just-"

"NO, FUCK YOU. HOW DARE YOU GLARE AT ME!? OLIVIA!!!" he shouted and ended the call, probably trying to figure out a way to get out of there without having a sore throat.

I went back to counting the cars which were passing by while drinking my ice tea. I saw a lady standing outside, busy on the phone. She was wearing a Cap and mask. I immediately recognized her as the person we encountered in the school judging from her bandaged hand.

What are the chances of her being a stalker?

It can be a coincidence too, right? She looked in my direction and I met her eyes, since she was not wearing shades. As soon as she saw me, she started to run. I followed her but she started to run faster. I was about to catch up to her when Bella caught me.

"Where are you going?"

"I-" I pointed in the direction the lady went but she had disappeared. Bella looked in the direction I pointed and turned back to me.

"Did you see someone?" she asked and looked in the direction I had pointed.

"No. No one important." I tore my gaze from the direction and looked at her. I shouldn't stress her out by telling about the lady. She already thinks that the lady was weird. She would start overthinking if I tell her.

"Leave that. What did Olivia say?" I said trying to change the topic.

"She called to ask whether I was going to Nick's birthday party. She cut the call when Zack started shouting. I hope he is fine." she said worriedly and I chuckled.

"Are you going?" I asked

"Honestly, I don't know. I have never been to such parties before. And to top it all, I don't even know Nick properly. We were partners for a chemistry project last year but that consisted of me doing all the work since I knew he would mess it up."

"Don't worry, it's an open party. We are in the soccer team so we are pretty close. I am planning to go. I think you should go. Let go of all your worries today and enjoy." I might be a little selfish but the second reason I want her to come is because neither do I want to leave her nor do I want to miss this party. It's been weeks since I last attended one.

"I want to stay at home and watch Netflix." she said and pouted.

"If that offer comes with a certain 'chill' then I am all for it."

"Get a life, Dave." she said as she gently pushed my shoulders.

"That's what I am saying. Live a little." I said as I pecked her pouted lips and it turned into a smile. "Come on. Try it out. You will enjoy it. I promise, if you don't like it then the minute you ask me to leave, we will leave." she thought for some time before finally answering.

"Okay. I guess. But only for a few hour. And then we will come back home." I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I know I am the best. Yet my boyfriend-"

"Are you trying to copy me?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Come let's go inside. Your cappuccino is ready." I said.

"No. I am not in the mood. Can we just head home please. I am tired." she whined like a baby and I couldn't help but comply with her wish.

"Fine, let me just pay the bill." 

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