Chapter 40 - 'Weird people are droping from the sky today'

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A jealous girlfriend does better research than FBI.


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We walked to class together, holding hands. The warmth of her hands spread through mine and I couldn't control the small smile that makes its way to my face.

My happiness however, didn't last long as I saw Evan sitting on the second bench, right behind ours. He just finds a way to irritate me every day. Why can't he just leave me the fuck alone? As much as I didn't want to, I detached my hand from hers and started walking towards the back of the class. Bella was quick to notice this as she caught hold of my forearm and pulled me back.

"You have to sit on the first bench with me." she tugged on my arm like a little kid who wants nothing but a cone of ice cream. I wouldn't be surprised if she did it one day.

"I can't sit in front of that bastard. Let's just do this another day, hmm?" I questioned but we both know it was more of a statement.

I made my way towards the last as everyone stared at us both with hopes that a fight would erupt and it will add some spice to their boring day. Honestly, I would exchange my body with someone else's just to see how I look form other eyes and what it looks like to see a fight and just eat popcorn in the corner as the drama unfolds. Its generally just me fighting others and them ending up in the infirmary most of the times.

My knuckles itch as it begs me to deliver a punch to his poop-like face. I refrain my self from doing anything that would land me in detention since that would mean less time with Bella. I wish it was as easy to control anger as it sounds.

Clenching and unclenching your fist doesn't do shit.

As much as I want to sit with her, I know I would end up getting crankier and she would keep questioning me whether everything is alright. I took out my Math textbook and started staring at some random page.

Its is not a great way of distracting my mind but if a math textbook can help me get some sleep then why not?

After a minute, I felt someone's presence beside me. Bella.

"What?" she asked.

"Why are you sitting at the back?" I said as I turned towards her.

"How can I sit there alone? It felt really weird sitting without you." I smiled widely when she said that.

"Keep your ego in check, mister bad boy." I rolled my eyes and I held her hand as I played with her fingers. I couldn't help but think about the wonders these fingers did last night. Just thinking about it makes me hard. Now is not the time, Dave. Sthop! We waited for the teacher who was taking her own sweet time to come.

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