Chapter 44 - She Is Gone.

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I knew you, I never wanted to know anyone else.


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I entered room 306, where Bella was admitted. I slowly entered the room as I didn't know whether I would be able to look at her when she wakes up. This guilt was eating me from inside. I was still trying to muster up the courage to see her.

Once I saw her, my heart broke into a million pieces, Bella was lying on the bed with many tubes and wires attached to her body. She had an oxygen mask on her face. Her forehead and hands were covered with the bandage.

The heart rate monitor showed her pulse and I saw that it was weak. I went and sat on the chair beside her bed. I held her hands and kissed it. Her face was pale and her lips had lost the glossy pink color it once had. I held her hand and felt as if needles were pricking my heart when she didn't hold my hand.

I miss her smile. I miss her touch. I miss her constant nagging. I miss her. I miss us.

"Hey." She didn't reply.

"I know you must be angry since I left you a-at the p-party. That's why you aren't talking to me, right? Bella, can you forgive me just this once? I know I made a huge mistake. I promise I will take care of you I will become better for you. I held her hand and sobbed.

"Please open your eyes. I want you to look at me. I want you to annoy me. We can watch as many movies as you want. E-even if they are Disney movies. I want to see that smile of yours. I-" I wiped my tears and looked at her lifeless body.

"I cant live without you. Don't you want to scream and hit me for being the biggest douche and worst boyfriend ever? Call me selfish if you want but I don't want to visit your grave so just wake the hell up and come back home. Stop being a jerk."

"At least open your eyes. I will never ask for anything ever again. Just grant me this wish. Just one last time. Come back to me. This is all too scary for me. I can't bear to see you on this bed. I wish I could switch places with you. I am sure that that pain is less than what my heart is feeling right now."

The nurse came to check her blood pressure and give her some shots.

"Are you her boyfriend?" she asked with sympathy in her voice. I nodded.

"She is very lucky to have you as her boyfriend. You care for her so much." I shook my head.

"No way in hell. I am luckier hen her." I know what she said was supposed to bring smile to my face but it only made me realize that I failed her. If anything, I am lucky to have such a caring girlfriend. The nurse walked out of the room and left me and Bella. Alone.

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