Chapter 37 - Exploring Each Other

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Yes, I have a dirty mind and right now you are running through it, naked.


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Someone shook me gently but I just changed my position and turned the other side. No! It's too early for this shit. I shoved the person back who was disturbing my sleep. After what felt like seconds, I felt someone placing a hand behind my back and under my legs. I suddenly felt like I was being lifted up in air.

I opened my eyes to see where I am. I caught a glimpse of the mansion in front of me before closing my eyes again and snuggling into something hard.

Wait what?

I jolted up and saw Dave walking, with me in his arms may I add, and a smirk on his face. Juliana and Daniel were walking in front of us.

"Dave." I hit his chest and signaled him to put me down.

"Slept well kitten?"

"Dave put me down. What will they think?" I said as I felt embarrassed.

"Who? They? They will think that a boyfriend is romantically carrying his girlfriend to his room."

"Oh god, Dave. I have legs to walk."

"Generally, dating is about doing your partner's work which they normally do on their own. Don't you know?"

"Well no, I don't ask 'ways to be romantic' to google."

"I never did that."

"He did that. I accidentally saw it in his history." His mom shouted as we entered the house. We all giggled. Except Dave.

"You checked my history?" Dave asked.

"Yeah. And I regret doing that because I contaminated my eyes. Here is a piece of advice, before watching the nasty, please go incognito. You should have at least deleted your history." His mom said as she successfully embarrassed him. He just glared at his mom but eventually started to laugh when she acted as if she said nothing.

She looked at both of us and suppressed a smile.

"Dave, you can put the poor girl down now." Daniel said

"Nope. Not happening. You enjoyed your days. Let me now." his dad rolled his eyes and looked at Juliana who was blushing. Looking at them reminded me of my mom and dad.

"Take her to her room, Mr. Romeo."

"I will be honored to do so, father." He said in a British accent. We climbed up the stairs and reached the room of my door. I opened the door and gasped. Dave finally let me down and I went inside looking up and down, left and right, exploring the room like the kid I am.

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