Chapter 43 - 'Was killing her not enough?'

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Death must be great because no one has ever come back from it.


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"Wh-what do you mean by y-you are s-sorry? You are playing with us right? Sh-she is fine, right?" I asked.

"Mr. Dave, she had already lost a lot of blood by the time you brought her in. She has severe head injuries and one of the main arteries seem to have been damaged because of the glass pieces. The blood supply in her body is not proper. Even if she makes it, she might slip into coma."

"I am not interested in how it happened. You are a doctor, right? You are supposed to be saving my Bella and not giving me an explanation about how we might fucking lose her." I said as I grabbed his collar.

"Dave, the chances of her survival are less than one percent."

"I don't care. Even if there is 1% chance, then save her. And if you can't do it, then you can tell us. We will contact the best doctor of the world to make her open her eyes." my dad said.

"It's up to you. Consult whichever doctor you would like to, he is going to say the same thing. But right now, we need A negative blood."

"Huh?" my mom said

"Any of you here? Please do arrange for it as fast as possible."

"I can't. I am a B+." my mom said and sat down, holding her face in her hands and sobbing.

"I am AB+" My dad said.

"I am B- negative so I can't give either. I will call Olivia and ask her." Zack said and walked out, calling Olivia. I was B+ so I couldn't give it either.

"Dave, how did this happen?" my dad asked the million dollar question again. I don't want to do this right now.

"I know right. Weren't you with her? How-"

"I wasn't with her. I was at the party. And she- she was going home with E-Evan."

"What did you just say?" my mom got up from her seat.

"I- I am sorry. I was going to drive us back home but then my friends called me. I was going to-"


She slapped me. This is the second time my mom slapped me. The first time was when she died.

"Do you realize that giving an explanation right now, will not bring her back? Do you know, that half the mistake is yours and she will-" my mom stopped trying to gather the courage to actually say it out loud.

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