Chapter 42 - 'This has to be a nightmare'

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I am sorry, I couldn't be what you needed and deserved.


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I went to the group of friends who were waiting for me to join the game. After sometime, everyone got bored of the lame game and started to chat about random stuffs.

For boys, random stuffs mean football.

"Do you actually like her though?"

"Huh?" I asked when Athish asked me all of a sudden.

"She is a nice girl. I hope you are not playing with her heart." Athish said, carefully. Athish was a transfer student from India. One place I definitely want to visit sometime in the future. He was the bad boy but had a soft spot for girls.

"No dude. I am actually serious this time around." I said and assured him.

"Was she serious when she said that she is a virgin?" James asked.

"Yes." I said slowly and chuckled since I knew what they were going to say.

"Oh my fucking god. Ladies and gentlemen, the play boy, the cockiest man of the school has actually remained a celibate for almost a month now. Mr. Dave Anderson, may we know what that girl has done to you that you don't pay attention to any girl? Please answer, Dave. The nation want to know." Nick said as he brought forward an invisible mike in his hand.

Thankfully he was not loud enough to grab attention yet.

"Well, Mr. reporter, Isabella has charmed me with her innocence and beauty with brains factor. And I don't plan on looking at any other girl for a while. And from 'a while', I mean forever. So better keep your eyes off her. She is mine." I said and bowed by the end of my speech making it look over dramatic.

Everyone teased me more and cheered for my sensual love for Bella. We drank a bit more until I felt the urge to use the bathroom. I struggled to find the bathroom since my mind wasn't functioning properly. I shouldn't have had the last shot. I think I will have to call my driver here.

I finally found it and did my business. I felt the sudden urge to puke and I emptied all the contents of my stomach into the sink. After I was done, I washed my hands and mouth. I felt pretty sober right now. I was going to turn when I saw Kacy standing in my way. She clearly looked drunk since she couldn't even stand straight. Does she realize she is in the men's washroom?

She took flimsy steps towards me and threw herself on me. I tried to get her off me but she put all her weight on me.

I swear I will dump her head in the toilet and leave her here if she pukes on me.

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