🥛Move In Day🥛

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Kageyama hated the constant screams whenever he was seen. Girls flocking him and asking for him to go out with them. He'd smile and wave, but would never say anything. Poor things. He would always think to himself. Right now, girls where screaming, pointing, and fangirling from a distance. At least they weren't all up on him. The truth is, he's gay, but hasn't told the public. They would cancel him, and his family needs the money.
"Tobio, honey, grab a couple will you?" His mother says as she starts unloading the trunk. Today was move in day for all Harvard students, and much to his surprise, Tobio had gotten in.
"Sorry..." he mumbles before grabbing a dark blue suit case, a black duffel bag, a white book bag, and a black shoulder bag(I'm not sure what those are actually called lol).
They carry as much as they can before making it over to the building he was put in. Once they get to his room, Kageyama opens it with a key he had been handed earlier. The two shuffled inside, only to see a boy making his bed. He looks up and smiles at the two.
"Hello! I'm Tooru Oikawa, you must be... Toby is it?"
He had brown hair and brown eyes, and he looked nothing special to Tobio Kageyama, who was turning red in annoyance.
He says through gritted teeth before walking over and setting his bags down on his bed.
"Well... I'm going to go grab the rest, you two should chitchat!" Tobio's mother says before leaving in a hurry. The atmosphere was awkward for all three of them, and Tobio wished he could go with her.
"So, Tobio... I'm guessing you like the color blue."
Oikawa says while giggling, which only annoys Kageyama more.
"And I'm guessing you like the color teal." Kageyama replies before unzipping his suitcase. He pulls out his black bedding. Black pillows, black blanket, and black sheets. Oikawa, on the other hand, had white pillows, white sheets, and a teal comforter. He also had a tan colored fuzzy blanket that was folded neatly at the foot of his bed. Kageyama scoffed at the sight as he made his bed. This Oikawa is a child.
"Are you famous or something?" Oikawa interrupts the silence, causing Kageyama to groan quietly.
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Oh..." he says before toying with his pillows. Kageyama rolls his eyes while fluffing his pillows up. What Oikawa didn't know, and Kageyama swore he never would, was that Kageyama had hid a small blue stuffed animal bunny under his pillows. Kageyama had never slept without it; it was his comfort buddy, as his mom would say. He then shoved his suit case under his bed before moving on to the duffel bag that consisted of clothes.
"Oh, um, we'll split the dresser and the closet. This sides mine, and this side is yours." Oikawa points to each side, making sure Kageyama understood. Kageyama nodded before opening the top drawer and filling it with underwear and socks. The next drawer he fills it with pajamas, and the next with hoodies and sweats.
He moves on to the book bag, which was filled with school supplies, he empty's it into his desk in front of his bed. Oikawa also had a desk in front of his bed, which was already set up and organized. Pictures of him and his friends were framed and stood proud next to his laptop. Kageyama felt a pang in his heart. After he grew famous, his friends grew fake. He missed friends who liked him for him, and not his money or the publicity he had.
"After you're done would you like to get lunch with me?"
Oikawa asks as Kageyama shoves two empty bags under his bed.
"Can we bring it back here?"
Kageyama wanted to say no, but he knew he couldn't. His mom wanted him to try and make some real friends, and Oikawa seemed clueless of who he was.
"Yeah! Of course, Tobio~Chan!"


Once Kageyama was done putting everything up, his mother said goodbye with a tear stained face. "My little boy is all grown up!" She said before she had left, and those words made Kageyama grow red, and Oikawa giggle. Now the two where in Oikawa's car, which wasn't exactly as nice as Kageyama's, but it was top of the line for Oikawa.
As soon as Oikawa started ordering, Kageyama zoned out, listening to the music, which brought back memories of parties he didn't want to go to...


"Hey, you should probably get some sleep..."
Oikawa says, eyeing Kageyama, who sat in the dark on his laptop.
He said before adding, "I'm fine," when he realized how harsh it sounded.
"Alright then... well, sweet dreams!" Oikawa says before rolling over and almost instantly falling asleep. Kageyama was editing the photos he took earlier. One of him in a Harvard sweatshirt, which he no longer wore, and one of him and Oikawa in front of Jimmy John's. Kageyama hated asking him for the photo, but he knew that his fans would love it; seeing him get along with his new roommate, which wasn't entirely true. Once he was done editing, he uploaded them to Instagram and added a caption: First day at Harvard, meet my roomie!
He shut his laptop and crawled into bed grabbing his bunny and throwing his blankets over him.

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