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Kageyama lay on his black, soft bed. He was writing an essay that was due on Monday. It was the weekend, and he was extremely stressed. He wished that Oikawa was there to help him out, but he had mysteriously left this morning without a note or anything. Kageyama groaned and stopped writing, instead, he picked up his phone.

9:00 Where are you?

9:05 I'm at this cafe talking to my friend.
9:06 I'm picking us up some coffee!!!
9:06 (\_•.•_/)

9:09 hurry up please

9:09 awww do you miss me, Tobio~Chan???

9:10 NO SHUT UP 😤

9:10 awww so you do!!!

Kageyama let go of his phone and let it flop onto the bed and turn black. He continued typing, waiting for when Oikawa would come in with their coffees and then he would trample him.


Kageyama heard the clicking of keys in the door and immediately bolted out of his bed towards the door, not giving him time to say his usual, "Tobio~Chan!!! I'm home!" Before toppling into him.
"Someone's a bit eager."
Oikawa chuckled, wrapping his arms around Kageyama awkwardly because he still had the coffees in his hands.
"Can I put these down?"
Kageyama nodded before pulling away and watching Oikawa set them down on the bedside dresser that they shared. He sat down in his own bed and opened his arms up in a, "come here," posture.
Kageyama scurried over and sat in his lap, burying his head into the crook of his neck, and wrapping his arms around him. Oikawa snaked one arm around Kageyama's waist, and his free hand makes its way to play with his hair. Kageyama hums as he snuggles into Oikawa, soaking the moment up. Lately he's been... doubting wether Oikawa would stay with him.
Kageyama breathed in shakily. Laying in his arms made him scared. Scared of never having him. He remembered when he used to absolutely hate him, but now... he was totally in love with him. He was helpless and scared that any moment, Oikawa would dump him and leave, looking for someone else. Someone better.
"I'm just... you- you won't leave me? Right?"
Oikawa pried him away so they could see each others faces.
"You're... not gonna leave me? Right?"
Kageyama looked at his hands, and then back up at Oikawa when he didn't say anything. His eyebrows were furrowed, causing lines to crease his forehead and his lips were curved into a frown.
"Why would I?"
Oikawa asked Kageyama before asking, "Why would you even think I would?"
Kageyama felt the panick sat in as he realized Oikawa was upset with him because he had doubts.
"I- I don't know..."
He mumbled, looking back down at his slender fingers. His rings clinked awkwardly on each other when he started fidgeting nervously.
"I just... I see you with other people. And well, you know... you know?"
Oikawa grabs Kageyama's hands and starts rubbing his thumbs over them soothingly.
"No, I don't know."
He says softly, making Kageyama blush wildly. That voice always made him so... so flustered.
"I- well," Kageyama swallowed, hard, before saying, "I guess it just makes me. Doubt. I guess it makes me feel... not. Not good enough... for you."
Kageyama felt his throat constrict and squeeze shut, his hands grow sweaty, and his stomach to drop dangerously. He felt so embarrassed for what he felt. For his doubts and jealousy.
Oikawa smiled softly down at the black haired boy, before grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at him.
"You're perfect, Tobio~Chan. No one will ever make me see different. Because... well... honestly. I love you. So much. Just as you..." (hahaha get that reference?)
Oikawa stopped mid sentence, seeing as Kageyama was crying.
"Are you... sure? Are you? I don't wanna be... be..."
Kageyama wiped the snot from his nose as more hot tears dropped down from his eyes, to his cheeks, to his and Oikawa's laps.
Oikawa said, interrupting Kageyama.
"Yes I'm sure! I love you so much! I love you Tobio! So very very much! I love... I love when you hold onto my shirt, I love when you play volleyball so passionately, I love when you get mad at Hinata, I love when you eat so fast you start choking, I love when you hold my hand, and I love when you play with my hair, or my fingers. I love you. I love you so much."
Oikawa tells Kageyama while tenderly wiping off all of his tears. His eyes were extra blue, which made Oikawa's heart throb in his chest at how pretty he was. How could Kageyama ever doubt him, when he was so desperately in love with him, and him only.
"I love... I love your beautiful eyes, your nose, your soft hair, your lips, and all the cute expressions you make," this made Kageyama blush, " I love you so much. Don't ever doubt that. Okay?"
Kageyama could only nod. He was speechless, he couldn't believe that he was so lucky to have Oikawa. He was extremely lucky. However, he could still feel the doubt deep down in his heart. How could anyone love a self centered pop star?
Kageyama stuffed his head into Oikawa's neck and breathed in the familiar smell of coconuts and vanilla. He smelled so good. God how could he smell that good to Kageyama?
"I love you too."
The words that came from Kageyama's mouth were muffled so Oikawa asked him to say them again. Making Kageyama hit him playfully in the arm from embarrassment.
"I said. I love you too."
This made Oikawa chuckle, and Kageyama blush.
"I love you more."
"That's not possible."
Oikawa pulled away from Kageyama to show him a pouty face.
"Not true! It so is possible!"
Kageyama made the p pop and Oikawa laughed before ruffling his hair.
"I love you whatever you say, plus one."

A/N: the last sentence is what me, my brother, and my dad sat together. It's kind of a competition to say it first too. I just thought it would be super cute to include!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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