🥛Iwa~Chan's Confession🥛

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Warning: more smutt

Oikawa looked forward to their hangout session with Iwaizumi. Kageyama, however, did not. Oikawa got dressed into brown striped pants, a tan sweater, and tan colored high top converse shoes. Kageyama wore black ripped jeans and a blue, long sleeved adidas shirt along with checkered vans. Both of their hair was still wet from their showers.


Oikawa waved to his best friend excitedly. Iwaizumi smiled as he saw Oikawa. He's such a goof, he thought as Oikawa ran over and hugged him.
"You ready to have fun!?!?"
Oikawa asked as they walked into the shop. Iwaizumi frowned when he saw Kageyama sitting at a table waiting for them. He had forgotten that he had invited him to tag along.
Oikawa walked over and sat down next to Kageyama. Iwaizumi hesitated, before telling them that he was going to go to the bathroom first. He walked into the empty restroom. He immediately walked over to the mirror and looked at himself. His green eyes analyzed his face critically. He wore a black Patagonia sweater with khakis and high top vans. He thought he looked fine. Didn't he always? So why did Oikawa choose Kageyama? Why didn't he choose him?
"What's wrong with me?"
Iwaizumi asked his reflection, but it didn't respond.


"Remember when we were five, and we had a pillow fight, and you hit my mom right in the face?"
Iwaizumi laughed as the three walked through the park. Kageyama was majorly upset. He was walking behind the two, feeling like a third wheel.
"Oh my goodness yes! Do you remember when we went to that pool and meet kendaichi while playing beach volleyball? And he spiked it right to that lifeguard and knocked him of his chair?!?"
Oikawa giggled, and Iwaizumi laughed. Kageyama clenched his fists. He wanted to punch Iwaizumi so bad.
"Or when we thought tampons were cat toys."
Oikawa's face turned red as he laughed at that memory.
"I... hahaha... forgot about that one."
He laughed before hitting Iwaizumi in the arm playfully. That's when Kageyama snapped. He pushed in between the two, and interlocked his fingers with Oikawa's.
"We should get ice cream!"
Kageyama said, trying to make what he just did look normal. Iwaizumi frowned, but Oikawa smiled.
He yelled before dragging Kageyama to the ice cream stand that had given Kageyama the idea in the first place. Iwaizumi followed behind grumpily.
"One chocolate, one mint chip, and one vanilla. All in waffle cones please!"
Oikawa ordered and Kageyama looked at him quizzically. He knew all their orders. That was strange to Kageyama.


Iwaizumi says softly while rubbing the back of his neck. Oikawa looks over to him with a small smile.
"Can I talk to you... in private?"
Iwaizumi asks, his eyes darting to Kageyama nervously. Oikawa nods and the two walk away over to a tree that was out of Kageyama's earshot. Once looking around, Iwaizumi shifted his focus to Oikawa.
"Look, I want to get this out... so I can move on. I know you love him."
Iwaizumi blurts out, making Oikawa blush.
"But I love you."
He says, surprising Oikawa. He analyzes his face to make sure he isn't lying, and he finds that he isn't.
"I've loved you since our 3rd year of middle school. A long time, I know... but now, seeing you with him. I know I waited too long to tell you."
Iwaizumi looks away from Oikawa and watches a couple walk hand in hand. Oikawa frowned at the boy.
"I'm sorry, Iwa~Chan... I didn't know..."
Iwaizumi sighs.
"Of course you didn't. I never told you."
He looks back into Oikawa's milk chocolate eyes and gathers all of his courage to ask his next question.
"If I did tell you earlier, before Kageyama, would you have dated me?"
He asks and Oikawa looks down, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
He says before looking back up into Iwaizumi's emerald, green eyes shyly. Iwaizumi smiles, before doing the most idiotic thing he's ever done. He leans in and kisses him. His heart races as their lips meet. Oikawa makes a muffled noise before lightly pushing him away.
"I'm- I'm so sorry, Oikawa, I didn't- I mean- I did do it, but I didn't mean too! I wasn't thinking I..."
Iwaizumi turns and runs away, leaving Oikawa stunned against the tree.

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