🥛Don't Tease Me🥛

388 16 2

Warning: Smutt

Kageyama shoved Oikawa onto his black bed. He was sober enough to not want to do it on Oikawa's colorful and childish bed. The two weren't entirely drunk, they were more needy.
"Tobio~Chan, imma switch..."
Oikawa said as Kageyama started on his neck. Kageyama smiled as he abused a spot next to Oikawa's ear.
"Me too..."
He whispered, sending chills down Oikawa's spine. His hands roamed his body as he continued kissing, licking, sucking, and biting Oikawa's neck. Soon, he found his sweet spot. It was on his jaw line. He bit into it, making Oikawa yelp in pleasure and pain. He started to abuse the spot, making Oikawa moan many profanities.
He gasped when he moved on from his jaw and found another sweat spot on the opposite side of his neck. Kageyama chuckled before unbuttoning Oikawa's white collared shirt. Oikawa helped pull it off, and Kageyama felt his rock hard abs. Kageyama almost moaned feeling them. They were solid, yet soft, against his skinny fingers. Oikawa smirked at the boy before flipping them over. He untucked Kageyama's shirt and then unbuttoned it. He threw it across the room, and it landed on his desk, knocking down his pictures of him and Iwaizumi. He could care less right now. He traced Kageyama's abs with his tongue, making the boy moan from the feeling. God I love his moans... Oikawa thought as he started to unbutton Kageyama's pants with his mouth. His hands gripped his thighs as his mouth did the work. Once he unzipped his pants he pulled them off and dropped them to the floor. He then bowed his head down and licked Kageyama's erection through his dark blue Calvin Klein boxers. Kageyama gripped Oikawa's hair, moaning from the sudden pleasure. He'd only had sex once, and this was on a different level already; they weren't even fully naked yet! Kageyama wanted more, so he pulled Oikawa back up to his face and kissed him. His hands worked on taking Oikawa's pants off. He wanted more. More... Once Oikawa was rid of his pants and only remained in his black Nike boxers (I hope they make those lol) Kageyama flipped them. He lowered himself a little bit before sucking on Oikawa's right nipple. One hand palmed his dick while the other played with his left nipple.
"Mhm- Tobio~Chan.!"
Oikawa moaned, feeling himself come close to coming. Kageyama stopped palming him, his mouth moving to the left nipple. His hand that had been palming him came up to play with his right nipple. His now free hand went down and started palming him once more. Oikawa moaned at the feeling. He's so good at this! Oikawa thought as Kageyama stopped palming him, feeling he was close to coming again. He scooted down farther so his face was even with Oikawa's erection. He pulled down his boxers, and his dick sprang out. Kageyama stared in disbelief. It's so... big. He thought in disbelief.
"Are you just going to stare?"
Oikawa asked Kageyama, making him snap out of his thoughts. He blushes before grabbing his dick and shoving it into his mouth. He waits no time and starts bobbing his head up and down, his tongue moving every where. Oikawa moans, which only makes him go faster. He loved the sounds he was making Oikawa make. He loved the feeling of his thighs in his hands and his dick in his mouth. He started to deep throat him, which made Oikawa cuss in pleasure. Soon, Oikawa came into his mouth. Kageyama made a lewd face, but he swallowed it anyways. It tasted bittersweet. It tasted better than the last time he had sex though. Oikawa flipped them over, he was panting heavily, but he wasn't satisfied with just a blow job. He wanted more of Kageyama. He pulled his dick out of his boxers and started stroking it, receiving a few choked sounds from Kageyama. When his thumb slid over the tip, Kageyama moaned in pain and bliss. It felt so good, yet so bad. Oikawa noticed and started rubbing it harshly. Kageyama felt his eyes tear up, and his nose grow hot. He whimpered as Oikawa dug his finger at the tip.
Kageyama cried out, but Oikawa didn't listen. He just continued rubbing the tip of his dick.
"Stop what, Tobio~Chan?"
He asked mischievously, digging his thumb into the tip once more. This caused tears to roll down Kageyama's eyes. Oikawa grinned. Kageyama was his to tease, to make cry, to break.
"Stop teasing...it hurts..."
Oikawa rubbed his tip even more.
"I don't think so, Tobio~Chan, you have to be patient!"
He sang before teasing his tip even more. Kageyama cummed all over his hand, and Oikawa licked it clean. He then put his fingers next to Kageyama's face and said one word, "Suck."
Kageyama did as he was told, and sucked his fingers. He knew what was coming next, and he was excited. Oikawa was excited too, and could feel adrenaline running through his body. Once Oikawa was satisfied he pulled his hands out of Kageyama's mouth, and a soft pop filled the room. He then began to tease Kageyama's hole, which Kageyama wasn't too fond of.
"Don't tease me, Oikawa!"
He shouted while grabbing Oikawa's shoulders and digging his nails into his skin. Oikawa winced at the feel, but he didn't stop Kageyama from doing it. Instead, he shoved his middle finger into his ass. Once he saw Kageyama's face relax he started moving it around, preparing him for another digit. He then shoved one more finger in, and then another, and then a fourth. He stretched him out, and so Kageyama was wanting more.
"Oikawa, stop being a tease, I want- ahhh- I want mooree."
He moaned and Oikawa chuckled. He pulled his fingers out of him, leaving him empty, before pounding his dick into him.
Kageyama yelped in pain, causing Oikawa to come to a stop. He waited until Kageyama was begging for him to move. He started off slow, but speed up as he went. Soon he was pounding into Kageyama so hard he was seeing stars.
"Ngh- Oi...Kawa! F-faster!"
Kageyama moaned, his nails scratching Oikawa's back. By now they had f****d the alcohol out of their system. Oikawa speed up his pace by a little bit, but he was changing his angles with each thrust, searching.
Kageyama screamed when Oikawa hit a bundle of nerves. Oikawa smiled and hit that spot over and over, earning several screams of his name. Hearing his name being screamed like that sent him over the edge, and he went faster. Once he did so Kageyama's toes curled and his nails dug even deeper into Oikawa's flesh.
"Oi-kawa I'm... ahh... I'm gonna-!"
Before he could finish his sentence, he had came all over them. With a couple more thrusts, Oikawa came inside of Kageyama; filling him up. Kageyama grabbed a some tissues from the dresser and cleaned Kageyama up. Once he was done Kageyama flipped them. He had a smirk on his face as he shoved his fingers into Oikawa's mouth. While Oikawa was sucking, he felt a sense of panick rush through him. He had never really been a bottom before, and he didn't know if he could take it. No, he would. Kageyama took his fingers from his mouth and shoved his middle finger up Oikawa's ass. Oikawa groaned at the weird sensation. Kageyama wiggled his finger around slowly, before adding another finger in. He fingered him as fast as he could, gaining moans and squeaks from Oikawa. He watched as Oikawa closed his eyes in pleasure, pain, and pure bliss. He loved the lewd faces he was making. He fingered him faster, making Oikawa moan. He grinned before entering a third digit. Oikawa doubled over, grabbing Kageyama's shoulders in pain.
"You've never done this, have you?"
Kageyama cooed into Oikawa's ears.
"N-no... I've only topped, but that was because the other person wasn't a switch like me both times I had sex."
Oikawa spat out awkwardly, his eyes closed tightly. Kageyama felt a spark of jealousy run through him. Other people had seen and touched Oikawa before him. He wanted to f**k him even harder now. Kageyama pushed him back onto the bed.
"Don't expect me to take it easy on you."
He said as he grabbed his dick and shoved it into Oikawa harshly, earning a painful groan. Kageyama was happy he was his first, but he was still jealous. He immediately starts thrusting into Oikawa as fast as he could. He watched as Oikawa's face twisted and his fingers clenched around the sheets. He went faster, watching Oikawa's face squeeze up in pain. He should go slower, but he knew Oikawa would feel pleasure in an amount of seconds. After a while of fast thrusting, Oikawa was trembling in immense pleasure.
"More, Tobio-ahhh-~Chan!"
Kageyama did as he was told, and started thrusting further into Oikawa. Soon he found his prostate, and he immediately started attacking it.
"Ngh- aghhh!"
Oikawa moaned as Kageyama attacked his prostate. His eyes shot open, but all he could see was white. Next thing he saw was Kageyama licking come off of his abs.
Once Kageyama was done cleaning him off with his tongue, he flipped them over, his legs shaking. He made Kageyama get on his hands an knees, before grabbing his hips and slamming into him. He didn't move.
"Oikawa, are you just gonna kneel there and not do anything?"
Kageyama said, looking back at Oikawa angrily.
Oikawa said seductively to Kageyama.
Kageyama looked away, refusing to beg. Soon Kageyama grew tired and started thrusting himself, but Oikawa reacted quickly and grabbed his hips and forced him to stop. Kageyama sighed before looking back.
"Please, Oikawa. Please move."
He said, but Oikawa didn't like the tone. He took his dick out of him and laid down.
"I don't think so. Not with that tone."
Kageyama frowned before crawling over and straddling Oikawa. He aligned himself and slammed himself down onto Oikawa's dick.
"Then let me ride you, please."
He said and Oikawa smiled.
"That's more like it."
He grabbed his hips, and Kageyama started bouncing on him. Sending waves of pleasure through them both. Kageyama's eyes closed in concentration as he rode Oikawa faster. Oikawa sat up a little bit and started searching for Kageyama's sweet spots. They were hard to find since Kageyama was a moaning mess from riding him, but it was plain to see when he hit one. He ended up finding three. One under his ear, one on his collar bone, and another on his shoulder. When Oikawa pulled away to look at Kageyama's face, he felt his ass clench around him. That feels sooo good... he thought before letting a moan slip. Kageyama smiled and went faster, but when he didn't get another moan he frowned.
"Why aren't you... moaning any- agh- more?"
He asked, his eyes opening.
"You're not clenching on me..."
Oikawa admits, laying back onto the bed. He watched as Kageyama closed his eyes again in concentration. Then he felt him clenching onto him once more. He moaned almost as soon as he felt it.
"Is that good?"
Kageyama said as he continued to ride Oikawa, his ass clenching around his dick.
"Y-yeah! Almost-ngh-too good!"
Oikawa moaned as Kageyama rode him faster. Soon both of them reached their high and came, but Oikawa started thrusting into Kageyama, despite him curling into his chest in exhaustion. He continued until both of them came once more. He lifted Kageyama off of his dick and laid him down next to him. They both covered themselves under the sheets before cuddling.
"That was..."
Kageyama said while panting.
Oikawa finished his sentence, and Kageyama nodded into his chest.
With that the two fell asleep.

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