🥛Everthing Starts To Change🥛

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Today was the weekend, and Kageyama wanted to do nothing but sleep. Oikawa had other plans though. He climbed on top of Kageyama and straddled him, Oikawa was unaware of how wrong this looked though...
"Wake up Tobio~Chan!"
He sang into his ear, causing Kageyama to stir from his dream.
"Go away, flattykawa."
Oikawa frowned at the raven.
"No way! Wake up!"
Kageyama pushed Oikawa, but he didn't budge.
"Please. I'll get up."
Kageyama pleaded, knowing all to well what would happen if they stayed in that position any longer.
"Alright then, Tobio~Chan!"
He got off of Kageyama, only for Kageyama to roll over and doze off again.
Oikawa shouted crawling into the bed. Kageyama's eyes fluttered, but he hadn't woken up.
"Tobio~Chan.... you know... I could punish you for not getting up."
Oikawa said seductively into Kageyama's ear, making his eyes shoot open. Oikawa's hands made their way under his shirt and his fingers started tracing his abs. What the hell? Kageyama clenched his teeth, he was holding in a moan. He hated that he wanted to moan so bad, but he...
"Are you up now?"
Oikawa asked and Kageyama stiffened; he even stopped breathing. Oikawa smelt amazing to Kageyama. He used to smell like vanilla, but now it was more like coconuts...
"Do you want me to punish you, Tobio~Chan?" Oikawa asked, making his way down to his neck, Kageyama pushed him away. Oikawa noticed the blush on his cheeks and laughed.
"I knew you were up, why didn't you push me away sooner?"
Oikawa waited for an answer, but Kageyama didn't really know himself. He was at a lost for words.
"Whatever. Why did you want me up again?"
Kageyama asked, getting out of his black bed.
"To get breakfast and go watch a movie."
Kageyama frowned, that's what he wanted me up for? Couldn't he have woken me up like a normal person?
"Fine. Whatever." Kageyama said before walking into their closet to get ready.
Kageyama's outfit:

 Kageyama's outfit:

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(Sweater in blue)

Oikawa's outfit:

Oikawa made pancakes with blueberries (kageyama thats cannibalism!) and he had even got Kageyama a glass of cold milk

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Oikawa made pancakes with blueberries (kageyama thats cannibalism!) and he had even got Kageyama a glass of cold milk. Once they were done eating they headed out for their movie. Kageyama wanted to see a horror movie, and Oikawa a sports movie, but Kageyama won. Now they sat waiting for the movie to start. Oikawa regretted his decision of seeing a movie. He didn't do well with Horror movies, and he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.


"Ahhh!" Oikawa yelled, hiding his face into his hands. Kageyama looked over confused, what's wrong with this idiot, is he hurt or something?
"Is there something in your eyes Oikawa?"
Kageyama asks him, unsure of what was happening.
Oikawa looked back up at the screen, only to be jump scared once again. His head buried itself into Kageyama's shoulder, and his hand intertwined itself in Kageyama's.
"Tobio~Chan!" He shouted. He hated Horror movies with a passion, just for this very reason.
"Oikawa calm down..."
He heard the music in the background, the screaming; everything scared him.
Kageyama's eyes widened, he never called him that.
"Oikawa are you alright?"
Oikawa shot out of his chair and ran out. Kageyama followed closely behind, worried.
Oikawa made it to the front of the theatre before Kageyama caught up and grabbed his elbow, stopping him.
"Oi-kawa..." he could barely breath, "stop."
Oikawa stared at him, tears brimming his eyes.
"It's alright.."
Oikawa sighed before saying something he knew would change almost everything.
"Can you... sleep with me tonight? I won't be able to sleep after that..."
Oikawa said and now Kageyama knew what was wrong. He was afraid of the movie. He laughed; a loud, vibrant laugh that rang through the night. Oikawa felt his nose heat up.
"Why are you such a jerk?!?!"
He shouted before walking away angrily. The tears threatened to overflow. I guess I can stay with Iwa~Chan...
Kageyama shouted before running after Oikawa, who wasn't acknowledging him.
"Please don't go. I'm sorry. I was laughing at myself. I thought you were hurt..."
Oikawa stopped walking, the tears were on their way. When Kageyama saw them his expression dropped. He's... crying? Was all he could think.
"Oikawa, are those because you were afraid of the movie."
Oikawa looked down, a tear dripping from his eye. In reality, they weren't because of the movie. He hated how he could barely stand horror movies. He hated how Kageyama made him feel. He hated when his nose grew hot and his emotions got the best of him. Why does it have to be him? He thought before continuing his walk. Everything was exploding inside of him like fireworks. Hate, love, sadness. It was all there.
"No... it's just..."
Kageyama put on a hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright, you don't have to talk, and yes. You can sleep with me tonight, if it'll make you feel safe."
Kageyama spoke with such a soft, understanding tone. Oikawa hated how he thought he was making fun of him. He hated how quick to judge he was. He hated what he was going to do now. He hugged him.
"Thank you... Tobio~Chan..."


Kageyama and Oikawa laid in bed. Oikawa's head rested on a Kageyama's chest, which was awkward for the two of them, but it calmed Oikawa down. He was still shaken up from the movie and their talk. His breaths were ragged and would catch in his throat every once in a while. Kageyama noticed that what he was doing wasn't helping, so he snaked one arm around Oikawa's waist and pulled him closer. His free hand reached up and played with his soft, delicate hair. Kageyama felt a warm ness in his chest, and it wasn't because of Oikawa's body heat. Was it his... heart? He refused to believe it, but was anything that was happening wrong? It felt right. So, so, so very right.

Everything was changing.

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