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Today Kageyama had an interview with Kuroo, and his Kuroo's friend Kenma. He wasn't looking forward to it, but if he kept going the speed of a sloth he was going to be late, which wouldn't be good.

Kageyama's outfit:

*************Kageyama's outfit:

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Kuroo's outfit:

Kenma's outfit:

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Kenma's outfit:

Interviewer's outfit:

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Interviewer's outfit:

Interviewer's outfit:

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When Kageyama got there the two boys were already sitting next to the interviewer. He looked at his phone for the time, confused, only to see he was on time.
"Kageyama, please take a seat."
Kageyama did as he was told and sat next to Kuroo. Kuroo leaned over and whispered, "Hey there, Kagssss."
Kuroo's breath sent shivers down Kageyama's spine, making him extremely nervous.
He said quietly before looking over at the interviewer who was pulling out a clipboard.
"Let's get started, shall we?"
The three boys nods, and she gives a thumbs up to the camera crew. They start recording, and Kageyama turns his full attention to the interviewer lady.
"So, Kageyama. My first question is for you."
He nods and the lady continues.
"How is Harvard going?"
Kageyama fakes a smile. Sure it was going, but he felt no optimism to reply. He never liked interviews. They were always questions about personal issues.
"It's going well, it's difficult, but a good challenge."
When the interviewer heard his response her eyes sparkled with stars.
"And Kuroo, how's Yale?"
"It's fine, a bit of a drive from where I live, but it's alright."
"Kenma, what school do you go to?"
She asks, her starry eyes turning towards the shy boy.
"So you're smart also! Amazing!"
She says while scribbling something down.
"Okay. Next question. How was the party, you three? It was all over Instagram I hear."
The lady, Miko, almost fall out of her chair while anticipating their responses.
"A blast!"
First response came from Kuroo, then from Kenma, and lastly Kageyama. Kageyama would never tell her what he did like about that night. He smiled at the thought of what followed that party.
"Mixed feelings?"
The interview writes something down again as she asks this. Kenma and Kageyama nod quietly.
"Okay... What are all of your sexualities? Straight, bi, gay, or what?"
She asks her cheeks burning red at the intrusive question. Kenma and Kuroo glance at each other before returning their gazes to Mika, the interviewer.
"I'm gay."
Kuroo states before looking at Kenma expectantly, which makes Kenma nervous. His palms are sweating, but it's hard to notice.
"Um... I'm also... gay..."
The lady's smile widens, her ship was coming true! Kurooken is what she calls them. Trying to calm herself, she looks over to Kageyama, who looked paler than before. He was panicking. Most of his followers followed him because they thought they had a chance, and if they found out they didn't, they would unfollow. He looked over to the two boys who had just confessed, to see their eyes were watching him critically; Kuroo more than Kenma.
"I'm... I'm also gay."
He knew he made the right decision. His chest felt lighter and it was easier to think. He wondered if Oikawa was watching. The interview was live, so maybe he was...
"That's great!!!"
The interview stood up and grabbed them all waters.
"Here you guys go, I'm sure that was nerve wracking."
They nod and then they all take drinks of their water. The water was hot, but it satisfied them.
"Do you guys like anyone?"
Kuroo and Kageyama choked on their waters. They looked at each other with wide eyes before looking back at Mika nervously.
Kageyama looks over at Kuroo.
"Why do you have to be so blunt, Kageyama?"
Kuroo laughs flicking Kageyama in the forehead. Kageyama frowns at the taller male.
"Idk why do you have to be so annoying?"
"So who do you guys like?"
The interviewer butts in, making the two blush.
"Ugh... you see... I don't really wanna say."
"Shut up, Kageyama. Gotta keep them in suspense. Am I right?"
Kuroo says, glaring down at the confused boy. Kuroo was only being nice and protecting the younger boy's lover, Oikawa. People could be cruel. Extremely cruel. Kageyama licks his hand and Kuroo pulls away with a disgusted face.
"Eww, you idiot! Why'd you lick me!?!?"
Kageyama laughs at the rooster, not noticing the jealousy on Kenma's face.
"Because you were suffocating me you brainless dork!"
He laughs before taking another drink of his water, Kuroo does the same before looking over at Kenma.
"What about you, kitten?"
This makes Mika grow red. Kitten!?!? Cute!!!
"Do you have a crush on someone?"
Kuroo asks, his eyes making Kenma grow nervous. His eyes always made Kenma excited, nervous, happy. Kenma looked away before nodding his head shyly.
"Yeah I guess..."
Kuroo smiles before dropping the topic and moving on.
"What's your next question, Mika, was it?"
The lady nods with a grin.
"I'm surprised you remembered."
Kageyama rolled his eyes, how could they forget? She had basically emailed them 100 reminders about today's interview. All of them had her name in it.
"How could I?"
Kuroo says, making her swoon. Kageyama looks at his hands, trying not to gag at the rooster. For being gay, he's such a flirt with girls...
"Anyways, my next question is for Kenma. Why don't you have your own Instagram account? Are you using Kuroo for clout?"
Kenma's cat like eyes meet Mika's. Mika almost choked at how lovely they were.
"No. I just don't want one."
"Then why are you in so many pictures with Kuroo? It's like you do want some fame."
"Nope... this idiot just forced me too. It's not that I don't like taking pictures with Kuroo, he just overdoes it. But no, I don't want an Instagram account."
Kageyama's nose scrunched up. He didn't quite understand the pudding haired boy's words, but still; he knew what he was trying to say. He didn't want fame, girls, or any of that. He just wanted to be around his friend, and if that required taking pictures for Instagram, than so be it.
"Do you like to be with Kuroo?"
"We're best friends."
That's pretty obvious but that doesn't answer the lady's question, thought Kageyama.
"Obviously, but to you like to be with him?"
"If we're best friends then it's obviously a yes."
Mika looked down at her clip board for the next question, she was obviously not going to get the response she wanted.
"Do you and Kuroo have any cool plans?"
"For what?"
"You know, to go out, have fun."
"I don't know."
Kuroo bumped in, ready to end the awkward conversation.
"Not at the moment, but I'm planning something."
"Can we know what you're planning?"
"Nope! It's a surprise!"
Kenma looked away and Kuroo looked at him quizzically. He's probably reached his limit of human interaction, he thought before turning to see Kageyama taking a drink of water. He watched as he finished it and threw it into a small trash can that was close by.
"Kageyama, what's your favorite food?"
"That's not a food, dumb***."
Kuroo bonked Kageyama in the head, trying to knock some sense into him. Kageyama grimaced.
The interviewer didn't like how any of this was going. The boys were so chaotic...
"What sport do you enjoy the most?"
"Me too!"
Kageyama said before asking for another water. The interviewer handed him another bottle, and he took a long gulp. After a while of questioning Mika sent the boys off. They were walking down a hallway when Kuroo asked to speak to Kageyama alone. Kageyama hesitantly accepted, and they went into a lounge room that was filled with many chairs and couches.
Kuroo pushed him onto a loveseat, and straddled him quickly, not giving him any time to resist.
Kageyama squealed, secretly liking the rushed movement Kuroo had done.
Kuroo leaned down and started sucking on his neck. Kageyama let out small moans of pleasure.
"K-kuroo, why?"
His words were all choked up, making Kuroo excited.
"Does there really have to be a reason, Kags?"
Kuroo had found his weakspot on his jawline, making him moan in fear. Shouldn't he push him away? Shouldn't he punch him, hit him, anything!?!? What about Oikawa? What was wrong with him? Why did he like the feel of Kuroo on top of him.
"You're such a sl*t..."
Kuroo whispered before nibbling Kageyama's ears. One of his hands went down and started to palm Kageyama's hard on.
Kageyama pushed Kuroo off of him with as much force as possible. Once he was free he sprinted out of the building, tears falling down his cheeks. What's wrong with me!?!? He thought as he ran, full of guilt.


"What was that about?"
Kenma asked, pulling out his phone and playing flappy bird as they walked.
"Nothing important..."
Kuroo said sadly, running his fingers through his hair. Kenma was too rapped up in his game to realize how upset Kuroo really was, but once they climbed into Kuroo's car, Kenma looked over to see an upset Kuroo.
"Kuroo? Are you alright?"
"Is this because of whoever you like?"
Yes... Kuroo thought as he turned a corner.
"Who do you like anyways?"
Kenma's eyes widened as Kuroo parked his car in the driveway. He made eyes contact with the shy boy who couldn't say what he was thinking.
"You're joking?"
"No... I'm not. I like you, Kenma Kozume."

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