🥛N- Nuff... I mean- Nice One!🥛

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Oikawa stopped the alarm clock lazily. Tuesday's were the worst days, in his opinion.
Kageyama rolled out of bed, almost falling.
Oikawa yawned; Kageyama shuffled over and flicked his forehead.
"Morning, sweetie."
Oikawa groaned at the teasing, making Kageyama feel something down below. He slapped himself in the forehead before waddling off to get dressed. He didn't know why that happened, but he didn't like it.
Kageyama's outfit:

 Kageyama's outfit:

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Oikawa's outfit:

Once they were both done changing they headed out for coffee and donuts

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Once they were both done changing they headed out for coffee and donuts.
Oikawa drove, and Kageyama navigated. Soon they arrived in no time.


Hinata shouts once Kageyama steps into the classroom, coffee in hand.
"Boke Hinata," he muttered under his breath.
"Did you see Kuroo's newest post!?!?"
Hinata asked while pointing to an empty seat next to him. Kageyama was forced to sit there because all the other seats were taken, or at the front.
He replied to the orange haired boy. Kageyama was clueless to how he had so much energy in the mornings. Hinata pulls out his phone and shows him a picture of Kuroo in a pool with his friend Kenma. It's captioned: Pool day ☀️
"It's got 6 million likes!"
Hinata shouts, making everyone turn to him in anger. Kageyama rolls his eyes.
"So what?"
"Aren't you guys like rivals?"
"Not exactly, I'm his, he's not mine."
Kageyama says before taking a sip of his coffee. He could care less about how many likes Kuroo got on a post. Some people only liked him because of his friend Kenma, and some only liked him because he was hot. Not that Kageyama would ever say that aloud.


"Don't you think we should have a pool day, Akashi?" Bokuto asks, taking his seat next to Oikawa.
"We don't have a pool Bokuto."
"But still!"
Oikawa watched them in confusion. Bokuto then showed him the photo of this guy named Kuroo, and someone else that Oikawa didn't know.
"You want a pool day because of this rooster?"
Bokuto cracks up at Oikawa's remark.
"Dude... Kuroo... a rooster!!!" He laughed and laughed before Akashi hit him in the head lightly, snapping him out of it.
"Sorry. Look this Kuroo's a good friend of mine, we're like... this close." He holds his fingers up and shows how close they are physically, causing Oikawa to smile.
He asks him and Bokuto smiles, a glint in his eyes.


"Yeah Tobio~Chan?"
Oikawa answers, looking up from his laptop and over to Kageyama, who laid on his bed, pencil and paper in hand.
"Could you... maybe help me with my math?"


Once they were done with Kageyama's math, they got up and stretched.
"I gotta go, and I won't be back for dinner, so eat without me."
Kageyama said, grabbing his messenger bag and slinging in over his chest.
"Where are you going?"
Oikawa frowned at Kageyama's back. He wanted him to stay.
"Hinata's. I'm going to beat him at Mario Kart!" Kageyama said, bending down and putting on his shoes. Oikawa forced a small giggle, but really, he felt like crying. Oikawa cry's a lot, but thankfully, he had never cried in front of Kageyama.
"Go get him."
Oikawa forced himself to say, but when he saw the smile on Kageyama's face, the look of determination, he knew he couldn't be upset.


"I won!"
Hinata jumped up and down. This was his first time winning against Kageyama. Kageyama sat there in shock. He just... won...
"I won! I won! I won!"
Hinata started dancing around gleefully. He was over the moon with joy. He won against the king! Tobio Kageyama lost a Mario Kart race to him, the tiny giant!!!
Kageyama said, making Hinata stop in his tracks.
Hinata said in confusion. Did he just say nuff? What does that even mean?
"I mean- nice one!"
Kageyama said while standing up from the black couch he was sitting on. He held out his hand for Hinata to shake, and Hinata hesitantly shook it.
"I have to go, good job."
Kageyama said, but Hinata didn't let go of his hand.
"Thank you."
Hinata said, looking at his feet. The mood had changed all of a sudden. From overly joyful to tense.
"For what?"
Kageyama asked, confusion spreading through his body. Did he say something wrong? Should he have not congratulated him?
"For being my idol... and everything..."
Hinata said, his cheeks growing redder with each word.
"Yeah, whatever Boke Hinata." Kageyama said before saying goodbye and leaving for his dorm room. By the time he got home, Oikawa was asleep. The one thing that was wrong, was that Oikawa was asleep on his bed.
Kageyama groaned, there was no way that he was going to sleep on Oikawa's bed, and no way he was going to sleep in his own next to Oikawa. He sat down and opened his laptop. He had some stuff to do before he could go to bed. He edited a picture of him and Oikawa with their coffee and another photo of him and Hinata with the Nintendo switch before uploading it to his Instagram. He captioned the post: ☕️🎮
He was so tired he didn't really care. Finally, once he was done he crawled into Oikawa's bed. It smelt like vanilla and coffee. Smells soooo good. He thought before he realized. His bunny. Oikawa must have found it! He jumped out of bed and ran over to his bed. What he found made his heart stop and his palms sweat. Oikawa was cuddling his bunny. A sense of jealousy and happiness flooded Oikawa. He couldn't tell if he was jealous of Oikawa, or his bunny. He tried to pluck his bunny from Oikawa's grasp, but it wouldn't budge, so he trudged back over to Oikawa's bed in defeat. Would Oikawa make fun of him for his bunny? Hopefully not, but still Kageyama was scared for what may come in the morning. He fell asleep to irrational thoughts and a weird feeling in his gut.

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