🥛Ushy Gushy🥛

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A/N: Hi! I have to start wrapping things up before summer! Soooo... I'm going to be writing faster! Anyways... yeah😃

Oikawa had just gotten done with classes and he had just left Bokuto and Akashi when he saw him.
He rolled his eyes and started to turn around, but his arm was grabbed.
"Get off me."
Oikawa says, not bothering to turn around. Why is it always me? He asked himself.
That voice had always been so annoying to Oikawa. It was so plain and monotone. It was frustrating! He never new what the boy was feeling or thinking, and that aggravated him.
"Come on Ushy Gushy. I got to go."
He still didn't turn around.
"Excuse me?"
He turned his head to see Ushijima with his hair all done. He wore a nice suit along with a green tie.
"I said no."
"I'm sorry. But what exactly do you want?"
Oikawa finally turned around, making Ushijima let go of his arm and smile down at him.
"You. To come with me."
"What?!?! Where?"
Ushijima smirked at his confusion. It was cute to him.
"A funeral."
"I need a plus one."
"It's a funeral. You can't just take your life long enemy!"
Oikawa started to turn around, tired of Ushijima's nonsense.
Oikawa groans before starting to walk away, only to be followed by the boy in the suit.
"Stop following me."
"Ushy! Gushy! Stop!"
Oikawa turned on his heels, coming to a complete stop. Ushijima stopped along with him.
"Stop following me!"
"Come on, please? I don't wanna be alone..."
Ushijima looked down at the floor. He wanted, no he needed, Oikawa to come with him.
"I don't understand."
Oikawa said as ran a hand through his hair; suddenly tired of shouting and trying to understand.
Oikawa asked, looking at the sad Ushijima.
"It was my grandpa... we were really close... he died in his sleep. I... I just... I dunno..."
he looked over at a girl who had just bought vanilla ice cream at one of the student business booth.
"I just wanted someone... anyone..."
That was a lie. He had only wanted one person to go with him, and that was Oikawa.
"To be there with me... my parents are out of town for business and everything... so I would be alone. You were... well... you are. The only person that I could think of..."
Ushijima rambled as Oikawa stared at him. Oikawa didn't want to go, but he pitied him.
"Fine. Just let me go get changed. Meet me at the coffee shop around the corner called Katsume's Kats."
Oikawa said before turning around and leaving.


When Oikawa arrived, he didn't bother looking around. He headed straight for the cafe counter where he meet a young girl who was in one of his college classes.
She said happily, when she looked up from her phone. She knew she wasn't supposed to be on it, and so did Oikawa.
"Lin~Chan! How are you?"
"I'm good, how are you? How's Kags?"
"We're good, thanks. Did you see a tall, mean looking, greenette walk in?"
She put her phone down and tapped her acrylic nails on the counter, thinking. Her eyes wandered before she sprang forward out of her stool behind the counter.
"Yes! He should be over there. Are we cheating~ Oikawa?"
Oikawa gagged at her teasing words.
"Hell no! No no no. Don't say that again, Lin~Chan!"
Oikawa shuffled off towards Ushijima, hearing his friend laugh at him as he went.
"Are you ready?"
Ushijima stood, a drink in hand. He had been waiting way too long for Oikawa, but he wasn't complaining.
"Not really, but oh well. Let's go."


When the two got to the funeral they quickly took some seats in the middle next to three kids and one teenager.
"Hey, Ren."
Ushijima sat next to them while Oikawa sat on the outside. He wasn't going to be sitting next to those sticky, gross children.
"Hi, Ushy!"
Ushijima had had that nickname since he knew the little girl. She reached over and pet his hair softly, her sticky hands getting caught a couple of times. She had just gotten done eating some ice cream, and her hands were still dirty from it, but Ushijima didn't really care.
"Hey, Ushijima."
"Hello, Koko."
The green eyes boy, who wasn't much older than Ren, had many more manners than his little sister and always called him by his full name. Koko then elbowed his twin, Kuku.
"Erm... hi."
He was shy, he never said more than he had too. Ushijima smiled lightly at the boy before saying hello.
"Hey, Ushijima. How are you?"
Hoshi was in high school, but he acted older, and always engaged in conversation. Ushijima nodded towards him before saying, "Hello, Hoshi. I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm good, thanks."
Hoshi whispered something into Kuku's ear, making him laugh quietly. Ushijima took that as a sign that he was no longer included in the conversation. He turned to see a bored Oikawa.
"Shud' up. I just wanna get this over with."
Oikawa said lazily, but there was no bite in it, which made Ushijima not feel upset. He turned towards the front of the room and waited for hell to creep up onto him. God. He wished everything would just stop for once. He wished he could take it all back and tell Oikawa that he loved him, but the words he said so long ago were still lingering in both of their head.

"I hate you."

A/N: I've also been gone a while so today I chose to finish this chapter, and came back to 1K reads!!!! AAAAHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!!! 😘💕💗💞❣️😻💘💌💟💒

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