🥛I'm Not Going Anywhere🥛

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A/N: this chapter will be a bit angsty! Mostly towards where the BokutoXAkashi part is. Also If you haven't caught on this chapter will be mostly BokutoXAkashi.

When Kageyama got into the classroom, he sat next to Hinata. He didn't necessarily like Hinata, but he was always around him anyways, so why not? Hinata turned towards him before going off about his favorite anime MHA and how Kageyama was a little bit like Todoroki but a little bit like Bakugo, which made no sense to the black haired boy. Soon, the teacher saved him and Hinata grew silent.


"...and that's when Akashi then poured a bucket of cold water on me and I got hyperthermia!!!"
Bokuto concluded his story.
"That's... aren't???... umm..."
Oikawa stuttered, not knowing what to say.
"It was a while ago."
Akashi said, looking up from his book.
"That makes more se..."
"I would still do it now, too."
Akashi said and Bokuto looked at him in shock, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide.
"You heard me. I woul..."
"Bokuto, quiet down."
The teacher warned, looking at the owl like boy. Bokuto nodded his head while glaring at Akashi. I love him but he can be a butt... he thought before turning his attention to Oikawa.


11:20 hey, wanna head to Harvard at 1:00?

11:21 yeah! will we see Kags?

11:30 duh



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"Look who it is..."
Kageyama heard an all to familiar voice. Oikawa looked at the person, but Kageyama paid no attention.
"King Kageyama!"
Yamaguchi said in a fake snarl. The boys always did this fake act that they didn't like each other. Especially when they were around people they didn't know.
"Tsukishima... Yamaguchi..."
Kageyama finally turned around, giving them a fake glare. Oikawa was confused. The aura around them had grown dark so soon...
"How's the King doing now a days? Still being pampered by his royal subjects?"
Tsukishima, the blond one, asked with a snarky grin plastered on his face. Kageyama growled at the nickname, which made Oikawa sense that he didn't like it.
"Don't call him that."
Oikawa snarled, getting up and walking over to the taller boy. Tsuki grinned down at him.
"Or what?"
"Or I'll end you."
"Is that so?"
"Tsuki will kick your butt! He's kicked the kings butt many times!"
Yamaguchi piped up, smirking softly.
Oikawa growled before grabbing the taller boys collar.
"Listen here four eyes, you don't get to come here and insult my boyfriend, and then threaten to kick my butt. I'm the one in charge, so you can call me king. Not him."
He snarled, balling his free hand into a fist. Tsuki, Yamaguchi, and Kageyama all bursted out laughing. Oikawa turned around with a frown on his face. Kageyama felt guilty, but he couldn't help the small giggles from escaping his lips.
"What's so funny?"
"You... you really fell for it..."
Yamaguchi laughed.
"You got pissed too!"
Tsuki said, pointing his finger in Oikawa's face.
"I'm sorry, Oikawa... but we do it to everyone... even when no ones around... it's a personal... j-joke!!"
Kageyama's laughed walking over to the frowning brunette and slinging an arm around his waist.
"Tobio~Chan... that's meaaaan!"
Oikawa whined into the younger, smaller boys ear. They were the same year, Kageyama was just born later than Oikawa.
"That's the point. Idiot."
Oikawa yelled defensively, still upset with the taller male.
"I'm Tsukishima, and this is Yamaguchi."
The boy said, pointing to himself first and then the shorter greenette.
"I'm Oikawa."
"We know."
Yamaguchi says before taking ahold of his lovers hand.
"You guys are a thing now, right?"
Kageyama asks, eyeing their interlocked hands, causing Yamaguchi to blush a deep crimson red.
"Yeah, we are. You guys are together right?"
Tsuki asks, eyeing Kageyama's arm that was wrapped around Oikawa's waist. He didn't necessarily like the brunette boy. No one had ever really challenged him the way Oikawa had, and he didn't like it one bit.
"Yeah. We actually just confirmed it last night."
Oikawa said proudly, ruffling Kageyama's hair and making it into a jumbled mess. Tsuki frowned. He didn't like this Oikawa, but he knew Kageyama did, so he didn't speak out on his feelings.
"We should all get ice cream!"
Yamaguchi said, throwing his free hand into the air happily.
Oikawa laughed before nodding. Kageyama nodded also and Tsuki agreed with a simple smile.
Yamaguchi said as the four boys made their way out of the park to get into their cars.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it."
Bokuto sighed. He knew he was a pain in the butt for Akashi. He knew. The butthole didn't have to remind him so often.
"Bokuto I..."
"I'm gonna go back. I'm tired. Have fun with your friends."
Akashi frowned. Bokuto was never tired. Never. He watched as Bokuto walked away, feeling something unfamiliar in his stomach.

Bokuto had just got into the car when he felt everything escape him. His tears that he had been holding back ever since Akashi told him he was too hard to handle, we're now falling like rain. His breathing grew ragged, his chest ached, and his ears were ringing. He hated how Akashi had to take care of him. He hated how much he depended on him. He loved him... but he knew Akashi didn't feel the same and he hated that. He hated how he couldn't get over his best friend. He sobbed loudly, grabbing the neck of his shirt and stuffing his face in.
He asked himself, his voice cracking.

Once he had gathered himself and stopped crying hard, he put his keys into their designated hole and started his car. He still felt horrible. The radio turned on and was playing the Olivia Rodrigez song, "Drivers License." This only make Bokuto cry more. Soon his eyes were once more clouded by his tears, and he couldn't see the figure walking towards his car. His hands clutched at his chest; it was burning really bad and he was having a hard time breathing through his tears. Two small knocks were heard and he freaked out. Who is it? I can't see! Am I going to get kidnapped?!?!? Then I'd be out of Akashi's way...
The person yelled and Bokuto wiped his tears. He knew that voice anywhere. He did as the boy said and rolled his window down
"Bokuto are you alright?"
Akashi asked Bokuto. This was his first time seeing Bokuto cry hard core. He was always so happy, he didn't have anything to ever cry hard about. Akashi felt guilt in the pit of his stomach, he knew it was his fault that Bokuto was sitting in the dark, in his car, alone, and crying hard.
"I'm fine..."
Bokuto clearly lied, but Akashi knew better. He went over to the passenger seat and climbed in.
"Your not fine... and I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for making you cry."
Bokuto was taken aback.
"Stop looking at me like that."
Akashi said to the surprised Bokuto.
"Sorry? But you should get back to your friends..."
Bokuto says, looking down and feeling the tears start to come back up.
Bokuto's voice cracked as his head snapped up, revealing his tear brimmed eyes. Akashi smiled softly before grabbing Bokuto's hand and intertwining their fingers.
"I'm not going anywhere."

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