🥛One Week🥛

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Kageyama woke up to the smell of bacon. He groaned before rubbing his eyes, making sure his bunny wasn't showing.
"Morning sleepy head, it's almost 12:00!" Oikawa says from across the room. He was flipping a fluffy pancake onto a white, shiny plate.
"Too... early..." Kageyama says before rolling over and trying to go back to bed.
"No! Don't go back to sleep! I made us pancakes!"
Kageyama goans, before getting up and walking over to Oikawa with a smirk on his face. He sticks his hand under Oikawa's shirt, which makes him jump, while saying, "where's the milk, dearest wife?"
Kageyama's smirk turns to a smile when he sees Oikawa's face heat up to a dark red.
"I put it in the fridge, husband." Oikawa says once he regains his composure. Kageyama laughs before walking over to the fridge, grabbing his milk, and pouring it into a cup.
"Pour me some too!" Oikawa says, causing Kageyama to roll his eyes.
Soon the two are eating pancakes with blueberries and whipped cream, and drinking white milk from their clear cups.
Kageyama hated to admit it, but Oikawa was really good at cooking, and Oikawa would hate to admit that Kageyama looked cute when he was sleeping. The two felt mixed feelings for each other, and neither one could pinpoint what they really, truly felt. Hate, love, friendship, jealousy? They couldn't tell.


"Come on! It's just a week Tobio~Chan!"
Oikawa pouted. He wished that Kageyama would be more friendly...
"It's still too long! A week without school... 7 days in here with you!"
Oikawa frowned at Kageyama's words, they made him upset, but he couldn't tell why.



Kageyama didn't like going shopping for hours, but somehow Oikawa had dragged him out to a mall, where they'd been for an hour now.
"Are you almost done?"
Kageyama asked as Oikawa looked at some grey sweatpants. Currently they're in a Nike store, and Oikawa was taking forever choosing some new sweatpants.
"Tobio~Chan, you're so impatient."
Oikawa hummed, grabbing a different pair of pants and examining them. Kageyama groaned before taking a seat nearby. He had a box of Nike shoes in his lap that he was going to buy:

He already owned red ones, but they weren't his favorite color, so he decided he would buy these ones

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He already owned red ones, but they weren't his favorite color, so he decided he would buy these ones. He watched as flattykawa, which was his new nickname, talked to a shorter black haired boy. He got up and walked over, examining the boy. He was good looking, but wasn't outstanding.
"...yeah, I am. Are you?"
Kageyama could now hear the conversation as he came up behind Oikawa. The two boys didn't see him yet, so Kageyama took this as an advantage.
"Yep. Too bad I didn't get into Harvard though..."
"Yeah, it's a shame, I was really looking forward to being your roommate, Iwa~Chan!"
Kageyama felt something shoot through him. What's with the nickname, it sounds like mine... He thought.
"Whatever, sh***ykawa." The shorter boy says, making Kageyama burst out laughing. Both Oikawa and whoever Iwa~Chan was, looked over at Kageyama in surprise.
"Sh***ykawa is a...haha... new one...haha!" Kageyama said in between his laughs, and Oikawa frowns.
"Tobio~Chan! Stop laughing!"

Milk ~ an oikage love storyWhere stories live. Discover now