🥛Party Night/Jealousy🥛

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Oikawa put on his most attractive outfit. Tight black ripped jeans, Air Force ones, and a white collared shirt. He also wore a gold watch on his wrist. It was time to get his party on. When he walked out to see Kageyama sitting in tight black leather pants and a shirt similar to his, he blushed hardcore. The two haven't talked much about the kiss, and it only made their feelings stronger for each other. When Kageyama stood up and looked over at Oikawa, he stopped in his tracks. He looked amazing.
"You ready?"
Oikawa asked, walking over and grabbing his tan coat that made him look like a detective.
Kageyama scolded himself when he heard his voice crack.
"Then let's go!"
Oikawa said, grabbing Kageyama's black coat and throwing it at him. The two walked out of their dorm room, electricity flowing between them. Tonight was going to be fun.


"Pretty boyyyy!"
Bokuto slung his arm around Oikawa, a bottle of liquor in his hand.
"Bokuto, are you drunk?"
Oikawa asked and the boy nodded his head vigorously.
"Hell yeah I am!"
Akashi made his way over with a concerned look on his face. He peeled Bokuto off of Oikawa and took the bottle of liquor out of his hand.
"Bokuto, we should go before you do something even more stupid than normal."
He said into Bokuto's ear, sending chills down the boy's spine.
"N-no! I wanna stayyy akashhhhi!"
"Just a little longer then, Bokuto."
Akashi sighed before leading him over to a couch.
Kageyama gasped as he made eye contact with a tall black haired boy he knew all to well.
Oikawa looked over to Kageyama, and then to the boy he was looking at.
Iwaizumi shouted and Oikawa smiled, before excusing himself and hurrying over to his best friend. Kuroo, the black haired boy, took this as an opportunity to talk to Kageyama.
"Hey, Kags."
He said, slinging an arm around Kageyama's shoulders.
"Who's your friend? The pretty one?"
"You mean Oikawa?"
"I don't know, is that his name?"
Kageyama rolled his eyes while nodding his head. He hated Kuroo.
"You know, he's not really your type..."
Kuroo whispered into his ear, before nibbling it. Kageyama suck in a breath.
"How would you know..."
He said, as Kuroo moves down to his neck.
"Because I know you..."
He hummed, before abusing his neck. Kageyama whimpered before pushing him away.
"Are you drunk?"
He asked and Kuroo laughed.
"I don't drink."
Kageyama frowned.
"I thought you had a boyfriend."
This time it was Kuroo's turn to frown.
"We're not a thing..."
He said, before walking away, his feelings hurt. He really wished Kageyama was Kenma, but he wasn't. Kageyama walked away, flustered. Why did he let Kuroo do that to him? Why didn't he push him away sooner?
Hinata jumped over a table to get to the black haired boy.
Kageyama shouted, bonking him on the head and kicking him in the shin.
Hinata yelped before punching Kageyama in the gut.
Kageyama yelled and Hinata bolted away, pushing through the crowd. After a while of chasing Hinata around the big house, he gave up and sat next to Oikawa. Who was practically flirting with Iwaizumi.
"Oikawa can you... get..." he breathed in deeply, "me a drink?"
He asks, snapping Oikawa out of his love fest.
Oikawa nods before getting up and hurrying to the kitchen. He didn't know if Kageyama wanted alcohol or water, so he grabbed both. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi was glaring at Kageyama and Kageyama was glaring at him too. When Oikawa got back he smiled awkwardly.
"I didn't know if you wanted alcohol or water so I got you both."
Oikawa said handing Kageyama the drinks and then sitting in between the two. Kageyama smirked before setting the alcohol down and then climbing into Oikawa's lap.
Oikawa stutters, his hands automatically grabbing Kageyama's hips. Kageyama looks at Iwaizumi smugly before taking a drink of his water.
"Thanks, Oikawa."
He says once he's downed the water. He wipes the sliver of water that had escaped his lips.
"Anything for you, Tobio~Chan."
Oikawa teased before grabbing the red solo cup with alcohol in it and taking a sip. His face twists in disgust.
"That's strong."
He says before handing it to Kageyama. Kageyama takes a sip, but his face remains the same.
"Nu uh, you're just a baby."
Kageyama teased Oikawa before taking another sip.
"Im...gonna go over and hang out with Kindaichi..."
Iwaizumi interrupted and left before Oikawa could say anything.
Kageyama smirked as he watched the boy walk away in defeat. Oikawa's mine, he thought before turning back to see Oikawa frowning.
"What's wrong Oikawa~San?"
He asks handing him the red solo cup full of alcohol.
"Iwa~Chan seems upset..."
He says taking the cup and taking a swing.
"It's cuz he likes you, but you're taken."
Kageyama purrs, his fingers grabbing Oikawa's waistband on his jeans, which makes Oikawa blush.
"He doesn't like me... and taken?"
Oikawa's face is twisted with confusion, which makes Kageyama even more eager.
"Yes he does..." he hums before leaning over and whispering into his left ear, "and he's upset because you're mine..."
Oikawa's cheeks blaze a brighter red as the words hit him. Thank goodness Kageyama couldn't see the redness on his face, but he starts to kiss Oikawa's neck, which make him blush even harder. Oikawa's breath catches in his throat. Why am I being so submissive! Oikawa thought as Kageyama started licking his neck. Maybe I'm a switch....
The two times Oikawa had done it, he was a top, but now, he loved the feeling of Kageyama on top of him.
"Let's dance."
Kageyama says, getting up and holding out a hand to a flustered Oikawa.
Oikawa took his hand and they made their way to the designated dance floor. Kageyama scowled as he stepped onto the flooring. He hated Kuroo so much. The two danced and drank, before they caught a ride with Akashi and Bokuto. Akashi was the only sober one out of the four. Once they got to the dorm room, Kageyama jumped onto Oikawa, kissing his lips passionately. Oikawa followed his movements. Tonight was going to be even funner than they thought it would.

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