🥛First Day: You're here too!?🥛

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Today was the first day of college. Kageyama and Oikawa were getting dressed nervously. Both wanted to make a good first impression, so they dressed up a little bit.

Kageyama's outfit:

Kageyama's outfit:

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Oikawa's outfit:

The two secretly enjoyed each other's outfits

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The two secretly enjoyed each other's outfits. Oikawa thought Kageyama was extremely hot wearing that sweater, and Kageyama couldn't help but noticed how Oikawa's pants made his butt look good. Both of them blushed, but instantly looked away from each other before leaving for their first days. They didn't have any classes together, which would have been fine, but the two had grown attached during their one week together. Nicknames were constant and so was teasing. They enjoyed each others company, even though they never said it out loud.


Kageyama walked into his first class, his messenger bag slung across his chest(I learned what they're called!). He took one look across the room and groaned.
"What! You're here too?!?!?" The orange haired boy shouted from across the room. He sprang out of his seat and hurried over to where Kageyama was standing. The boy was short, really short, and it made Kageyama chuckle.
The boy said, his face twisting in confusion at Kageyama's sudden mood change.
"It's just that..." Kageyama covered his mouth, "you're really short."
The boy frowned up at Kageyama.
"Yeah? Well... you're... really mean!"
He said, making Kageyama laugh.
"You think... hahaha... that that's... an insult?!?"
The orange haired boy felt like hitting him in that second, but he thought better, and went and sat back down. Kageyama took a seat in the back, not wanting any attention.


"Oikawa, Tooru?"
Oikawa said loudly so his teacher could hear him. He sat next to a grey haired boy, who was talking excitedly to a black haired boy.
"Bokuto, Kotaro?"
The teacher called and the grey haired boy looked over before shouting, "Hey, Hey, Hey!" Oikawa mentally rolled his eyes at the boy.
"Akashi, Keiji?"
The boy next to Bokuto raised his hand silently. He was the exact opposite of Bokuto. Quiet and reserved.
"Hey!" Bokuto turned to Oikawa.
"Oikawa was it?"
Oikawa didn't know where the conversation was going, but it was already awkward.
"I've been to your family restaurant before, it was pretty good."
Bokuto said, licking his lips as the memory of soba came to mind.
"Umm... thanks?"
"Yeah! You should take us sometime! We'd love to go, Akashi and I."
Oikawa had a feeling that Akashi didn't really want to, but would be dragged there by Bokuto.
"Yeah, sure."
Oikawa said curtly. He wanted the conversation to end, but Bokuto didn't understand. He went on talking about soba, mochi, and a bunch of American foods that he had tried. Akashi was pleased that he wasn't the only one getting their ear talked off by Bokuto.


Kageyama learned that the energetic boy he met was named Shoyo Hinata. He didn't like him very much. No matter what Kageyama said or did, he wouldn't stop talking to him. It was annoying. Sadly, the two had almost every single class together. Now they were leaving their last class.
"Hey, Bakayama!" Hinata shouted, trying to catch up with the taller, black haired boy. Kageyama grew angry at the stupid nickname.
"Boke Hinata, go away!"
"Nope! Wanna come over and play video games? I bet you I'll win!"
Hinata jumped excitedly off of the stairs they were walking down. Kageyama felt pressured to say yes, and bet that he would win, not him, but he was eager to get back to his dorm room.
"No." He said, hitting Hinata in the head playfully,before walking off towards his dorm room. His first day was exhausting. His ear literally fell off due to Hinata's jibber-jabber, and he could barely pay attention to the teacher. He almost fell asleep in his math class! He was also exhausted from all the girls. They asked for autographs, pictures, and his phone number constantly. Which he obliged too, but he didn't give anyone his phone number. Never in a million worlds would he do that. Never.


Oikawa walked out of his last class, Bokuto and Akashi following.
"Come on, Oikawa, can't we go today??"
Bokuto whined for the millionth time. He hadn't let the topic of Oikawa's family restaurant drop; constantly asking to go.
"Nope, I've got stuff."
Oikawa half lied to the energetic and ecstatic boy. He wanted to get to his dorm and see Kageyama.
"No buts, I don't have time, maybe some other time, Bokuto~San."
Bokuto pouted, but I want it now... he thought sadly to himself. Akashi, his best friend/crush, put a hand on his back knowingly. He rubbed circles into his back, which calmed him down; he loved it. Akashi knew just what made him feel better. He loved him.


Kageyama collapsed onto his bed. Blackness clouded his vision, making him smile at the euphoria.
"Tobio~Chan?" He heard Oikawa say softly, and then he heard the door shut. He sat up calmly.
Kageyama teased, making Oikawa smile before he also collapsed onto his bed. Kageyama watched him as he rolled over and stared at the ceiling.
"How was your first day?"
Oikawa asked, turning towards Kageyama.
"Exhausting. This boy, Hinata, is so annoying! He's in all my classes too! He NEVER shuts up!"
Kageyama vented to the older, taller boy. It felt good to get it out; to have someone to talk to who wouldn't judge him. It felt... amazing.
"That's funny, I had a boy named Bokuto who was exactly the same! He wouldn't stop talking about my family restaurant either, it was super annoying."
Kageyama's eyebrows furrowed. He didn't tell me his family owned a restaurant.
"Family... Restaurant?"
"Oh, right, I didn't tell you! Yeah, my family owns a restaurant. They mostly sell soba and deserts."
He says nonchalantly like it wasn't a big deal, but it was. At least it was for Kageyama.
"Can I go sometime?"
The question surprised Oikawa. He didn't expect Kageyama to ask to go, he thought he would tease him about it, call him a small town boy like everyone else.
"Of course! Bokuto wants me to take him... so whenever we go, you can tag along!"
Kageyama smiled; a real genuine smile. Oikawa's heart pitter-pattered at the sight. God, I love that smile, he thought.

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