🥛I Hate You - I Hate You Too🥛

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Oikawa woke up to two arms around his waist. He panicked before turning around to face the intruder. Thank goodness it was just Kageyama. He smiled as he analyzed his sleeping face. His black hair, long lashes, rosy cheeks, and plump lips. Oikawa wondered what they tasted like. Probably milk. He chuckled at his thought before playing with Kageyama's soft locks. As he did so, he thought about why he was in his bed. Maybe a nightmare.
He hummed, wanting to see his beautiful blue eyes. Right on time, Kageyama's eyes shot open.
"Tooru~Chan! It's too early..."
Kageyama teased Oikawa while burying his face in his chest, making Oikawa blush.
"Actually, I think it's 9:12, Tobio~Chan."
Kageyama smelt Oikawa's strong scent of coconuts. Smells so good... Once Oikawa calmed his heart down, he rested his chin in Kageyama's head. Oikawa had never been this close to anyone other than his family, and he loved it. Kageyama felt warm and small in his arms. He loved Kageyama in general.
Kageyama pulled away, and suddenly Oikawa remembered something, but he tucked it in the back of his mind for a little while longer.
"How'd... how'd you sleep?"
Perfect opportunity for him to be a tease.
"Good. Did you have a nightmare?"
He asked, a smirk on his face. The two boys sat up, and Kageyama looked away, pink blush spreading across his chubby, yet attractive, cheeks.
"No..." he huffed, "Ijustneededtobenexttoyoutosleep..."
He muttered, causing all his words to jumble together. Oikawa somehow knew what he said, but he wanted to tease him further.
"Sorry? You talked to fast..."
"I- I just needed to be next to you to fall asleep..."
He whispered, not making eye contact with Oikawa.
"Sorry? Can you speak up? I didn't hear."
Kageyama finally looks at him with angry eyes.
"I said! I needed to be next to you to sleep!!!"
Oikawa chuckled at the raven.
"Awww... that's so cute, Tobio~Chan!"
Kageyama hit him in the arm, not hard enough to hurt him though.
"I hate you."
He states, looking into Oikawa's chocolate eyes. Those eyes made Kageyama's insides churn and flip upside down.
"I hate you too."
Oikawa says, leaning closer to Kageyama's face to tease him more. His cheeks turn a bright red, which makes Oikawa smirk. What Kageyama does next surprised Oikawa. He smashes his lips against his, making his eyes open wide in shock. Soon Oikawa calms down and melts into the kiss, his hand making its way into Kageyama's soft hair. Oikawa bites Kageyama's lower lip, asking for entrance, but Kageyama pulls away. The two gasp for air, but Oikawa can't help but feel upset.
"Wanna go out?"
Kageyama asks, getting up and walking away like nothing happened, which made Oikawa mad. He's such a jerk to me I swear... this boy!


10:12 the party is at Kuroo's house at ————
And it starts at 8:00 (that's wat AKASHI said!)

Pretty boy Oikawa
11:00 okay

Oikawa and Kageyama decided on going to get coffee, today they didn't have any classes so they could do whatever they wanted. Then they went shopping, so Oikawa didn't see Bokuto's text until they were on their way to a cool restaurant.
"Hey, I'm going to a party this weekend, and I might hang with Iwa~Chan, wanna go to both?"
Oikawa asked Kageyama as they walked to their destination. The two were extremely hungry because they didn't remember to eat breakfast. Kageyama nodded, not answering. Ever since the kiss, Kageyama seemed distant, like he didn't want to be with Oikawa at all, and it was starting to get on his nerves.
"Use your words, Kageyama, for crying out loud!"
He said, opening the door and walking in, leaving Kageyama standing there processing what just happened. Soon he followed Oikawa in and took a seat at the perfect table, not near any windows or doors. Oikawa stood in line impatiently.
A deep, unsettling voice spoke from besides him. Oikawa knew that voice anywhere.
"You should have come to Shiratorizawa."
The taller male says, his eyes piercing into Oikawa, who hadn't turned towards him yet.
"I know, I know, you say that every time we see each other. YoU sHoUlD hAvE cOmE tO ShIrAtorIZaWa!"
Oikawa mocked him, stepping up when the line moves.
"You should've, you know I could've made your small town boy dreams come true, we just opened a restaurant here in the city."
Oikawa's eyes widened. They were branching out, just what Oikawa had always wanted his family restaurant to do. He turned to Ushijima.
"Yep, I live here now, imagine. You, Me, a city home. Making soba..."
Oikawa's eyes lit up, stars twinkling. Ushijima smiled at the boy.
"That does sound nice..."
Oikawa said, moving sideways when the line started moving.
"You can still move in, we can tour the city, go to the zoo, buy ice cream, make milk bread together... what do you say?"
Ushijima's proposal lit a fire in Oikawa. All he had to say was milk bread and city. He was about to agree, when he felt a tug on his hoodie. He looked back to see Kageyama with a scowl on his face.
"Who are you?"
He asked, his blue eyes sending daggers straight through Ushijima.
"Ushijima Wakatoshi."
He stated simply, his face turning to a straight line. Kageyama read it as, "you're boring, I'd rather talk to this beautiful Oikawa."
"I'm Tobio Kageyama, leave Tooru alone."
He grabbed Oikawa's hand and pulled them out of the small American restaurant.
"But Tobio~Chan!! I'm hungry!!"
He tried to resist, but soon gave up because Kageyama had an iron like grip on his hand.
"What the f*** was that, Oikawa?"
He asked, his voice raising in anger. Oikawa blushed. He was really going to accept his offer, even though he had Tobio~Chan, he still wanted more.
"I'm sorry..."
His head hung low of shame. Why did I want more?
"For what?"
Kageyama's voice softened as he saw the guilt in his eyes.
"For wanting more than whatever we have. I know it was selfish, I almost accepted his proposal... for everything I ever wanted..."
He paused. He knew know...
"But... I don't want more! Not now, not ever, not as long as I have you with me..."
When Oikawa looked up, Kageyama was smiling.

Oikawa knew now. Sometimes, more is less.

Milk ~ an oikage love storyWhere stories live. Discover now