🥛What Even Are We?🥛

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Oikawa had had it with Kageyama. It had been about a month, and they were still not officially together. They would flirt, tease, and have sex, but somehow they were not a couple. Kageyama didn't seem to push the topic, unlike Oikawa, who would bring it up almost constantly. Were the feelings he was feeling one sided? Was it all for nothing? He didn't know.
"Oikawa? Are you listening?"
Oikawa jerked his head towards his professor; Bokuto snickering and hitting him in the ribs with his elbow.
"Ow!... no, sorry."
The professor looked at him in disappointment before continuing his lecture to the class. Oikawa sighed in relief and then tried to pay attention.


"We're going out."
Kageyama told Oikawa when he heard the door open.
Oikawa came into the room to see Kageyama getting dressed into some fancy clothes.
"We have a double date."
"With who?"
"Kuroo and Kenma, apparently they just got together."
Kageyama went into the bathroom to fix his tie, leaving Oikawa in the main area of their dorm. Oikawa sighed before sitting down on his bed. Today was a stressful day for Oikawa; he just couldn't take his mind off of Kageyama. Why were they going on a double date if they weren't together? Was Kageyama playing with his mind? He flopped down into his pillow and groaned. Why was everything so complicated.
"Oikawa!!! You need to get ready!!! Or do you want to look like the trash that you are?"
Kageyama walked into the room, brushing his hair. Oikawa rolled over and put a hand over his heart.
"Ouch! You've killed me."
"By saying mean thingssss."
"Get over yourself."
Kageyama walked back into the bathroom and Oikawa got up to get changed. He put on some tan khakis (is that how it's spelled?), a white dress shirt, and a tan sweater overtop. He also wore brown high top converse.
"You look nice."
Oikawa whipped around to see Kageyama watching him put on his brown belt.
"Thanks? You too."
Kageyama was wearing dark business pants, a white dress shirt, and a leather coat. He also wore a silver chain around his neck and a silver watch around his wrist.
"Did you put eyeliner on?"
Oikawa asked once he looked closer to Kageyama's face. Kageyama blushed at the question.
"Yeah, so?"
"I'm not complaining. I like it."
Kageyama slid on some shoes and then the two left their room to head out. Oikawa wasn't exactly in a great mood, so he stayed quiet on the way there, but Kageyama didn't pay any attention to his new behavior, he was too concerned with getting to the date on time. Apparently, the date was to be held at a restaurant named Shiratorizawa.

Once they had arrived they walked in. Kageyama wondering if the restaurant would sell milk, and Oikawa grumbling to himself. Once the two got inside and looked around, Oikawa frowned. He knew this restaurant any day. Even if he had never actually been there before, he knew. The monotonously colored walls, the purple-ish/red-ish colored booths, and the glittery tiles on the floor were all too familiar. It was Shiratorizawa. Kageyama saw Kuroo and Kenma and lead Oikawa over to them. They slid into the booth, before saying hello.
"Sorry it took so long, it was a farther drive than I thought it would be."
Kageyama said, grabbing the menu and looking through his options. He had already made his mind up that he would get milk to drink.
"Yeah, we're a bit closer so we got here early."
Kuroo said while scanning Oikawa and Kageyama over. He thought they looked well dressed, and he couldn't help but notice the frown on the strangers face.
"I'm Kuroo, and this is my boyfriend Kenma. You're Oikawa, right?"
Oikawa nodded, not tearing his gaze off of the table. He didn't feel like talking; he didn't feel like coming in the first place. Kuroo shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
"Don't mind him, anyways, when did you two actually get together?"
"The day of the interview. I was upset... and... yeah."
Kageyama looked at Kuroo in disbelief. They got together the day that Kuroo did...that, to him? But how? Why?
"What would- Oikawa?"
Oikawa didn't look up. He knew that voice anywhere.
"I know. I know. I should have come to Shiratorizawa, but guess what?!"
Oikawa's head snapped up, his eyes piercing into Ushijima's.
"It wasn't my choice to come to your stupid restaurant in this city. I wouldn't have come if I'd known, and yes I am not going to get anything! I'm not going to eat your stupid food that's sooooo healthy and yummy!!! Nope! Nuh-ugh!"
Ushijima's mouth curved down into a frown. He... well he loved Oikawa. He had always dreamed of making Oikawa's small town boy dreams come true, but Oikawa never gave him the chance.
"Alright then... what would you three like to drink?"
"Milk for me."
Kageyama said, looking over to a frowning Oikawa.
Kenma said while setting his menu down gently.
"Water for me as well."
Kuroo piped up. He actually wanted a soda, but they didn't sell any. He cursed the healthy restaurant.
Ushijima nodded and then walked away to get their drinks.
"What was that about?"
Kuroo asked Kageyama and Oikawa.
"I...don't really know. Wasn't that the guy that was flirting with you that one time?"
Kageyama knew he'd recognized the boys face.
Oikawa said, looking over at Kageyama.
"Hell no!! He was trying to get me to join him in the city and work at his restaurant. I hate him so much..."
Oikawa told Kageyama, but he whispered his last sentence. He didn't feel like talking. He didn't feel like anything. He just wanted to leave.
"So you two know each other?"
Kenma piped in. Kenma wasn't much to talk, but he listens. He was curious. He's always been a curious person; ever since he was little.
"Yeah. We've known each other since we were little."
"Why do you not like him?"
Kenma asked again. He was really curious now.
"Our family restaurants are arch rivals." (Is arch rivals right? Is that how you say it? I dunno.)
Oikawa says, looking out the window. He didn't want to talk, and he didn't want to be there.
"Really? I've never heard of yours before. What's it called?"
Kenma's curiosity was making Kuroo pay more attention to the conversation.
"Aoba Joshei."
"Cool. Could I go sometime?"
"Me too!"
Kuroo chimed in, wanting to go wherever Kenma was.
"Why does everyone always want to go to my family restaurant? It's not even nearby."
Oikawa grumbled angrily. He wanted to go to their dorm room so bad, but he couldn't. He was here because of Kageyama; the boy he loved.
"Because it's fascinating."
Kenma says as soon as Ushijima comes over and starts passing out their drinks, which only made Oikawa's mood worse.
"Yeah. Yeah."
Oikawa groaned, looking over to Kageyama who was drinking his milk excitedly. He smiled softly before looking back out the window. He wanted to go back to their dorm, where they could be alone.


Oikawa flipped onto his bed, sighing loudly. He was tired, hungry, and upset. Kageyama locked the door and then sat down on Oikawa's bed.
"What was that about tonight?"
Kageyama asked and Oikawa sat up to face him better.
"What even are we?"
The question had caught Kageyama off guard. He was not expecting Oikawa to say something like that to him.
"What are we? Dating or not dating? I'm so confused. We go on dates and do everything a couple does, but we're not official. So what are we?"
He looks into Kageyama's blue eyes tiredly. If they weren't anything, he was going to move out and buy an apartment. He couldn't bear it to be in the same room as the boy he loved, who didn't love him back.
"I... I guess... well I don't... I think..."
Kageyama struggled to say the words he wanted to say. Was he ready for a relationship? Obviously yes if Oikawa said the two did everything a couple would do, but still, he was nervous.
"I... I think..."
Oikawa sighed before getting up. In his mind, that meant no, they weren't together.
"If that's how you feel. I'll be going."
Kageyama bolted up and grabbed Oikawa's arm. He felt like crying. He didn't want Oikawa to leave. He wanted him. He loved him.
"I want to be with you."
Oikawa looked down at Kageyama. His heart was doing flips and his mind was not working.
"Please stay. I need you... I..."
Kageyama looked down nervously; a small, pink blush spreading onto his face at his next choice of words.
"I... I love you.."
Oikawa smiled before hugging the shorter boy.
"I love you too..."

After that Oikawa made himself dinner and poured Kageyama another cup of milk. Oikawa then pulled Kageyama into his colorful and they cuddled before falling asleep.

-In Oikawa's Dream-
He was beautiful.
Kageyama sat with a black haired boy with brown eyes on his lap. They were outside at a park having a picnic.
"No peanuts, remember?"
Kageyama said to the toddler.
"But I want soooome!"
The toddler pouted, reaching for the extra crunchy peanut butter.
"No, Haruto, that's for daddy."
"No buts."
Oikawa sat down with a smile.
"Sorry, Bunny."
His pet name for the child made the toddler giggle before asking for his milk.
"He's just like you. Milk. Milk. Milk."
Oikawa said while laughing and handing the little boy a silly cup full of cold milk. Kageyama laughed before setting Haruto down on the red blanket.
"He's like you with your milk bread too."
Oikawa didn't know how Kageyama knew that his favorite was milk bread, but he thought it was because he was dreaming.
"Fair point."
Oikawa grabbed the peanut butter and spread it onto his bread. Kageyama grabbed his pre-made sandwich, before handing the little boy a bowl of Mac & Cheese. He then put a bib around the boys neck.
"Haruto, please don't make a big mess on Mommy's blanket."
Oikawa laughed at the name Mommy that Kageyama had given himself.
"Nothing, mommy."
Kageyama laughed before bunching him in the stomach lovingly.
"Keep on laughing, daddy."

-In Kageyama's Dream-
Kageyama was wearing a blue dress and across from him was Oikawa. Oikawa was wearing a white suit like outfit, and he had a crown on his head. Oikawa reached a hand out for Kageyama to take.
"Would you like to dance, princess?"
Kageyama scoffed at the pet name, but took his hand nevertheless.
The two made their way to the ball room floor and danced. While they were dancing his dress kept changing from blue to pink, reminding him of the movie that he watched with his sister when he was younger, "Cinderella."
"You look lovely, Princess."
"I know."
Kageyama replied as they twirled around the floor, all eyes on him and Oikawa. When the music came to an end, they slowed down and came to a stop. Then, Oikawa kissed him. It was magical, and everyone cheered.
"Will you marry me, princess? And become the queen?"

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