🥛Bunny/Bokuto has gone nuts!🥛

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Kageyama woke up to Oikawa's face hovering over his own. His brown eyes were still red and sleepy, but his smile told Kageyama he was wide awake. His hair dangled down, but somehow it was still perfect.
Oikawa sang excitedly. Oikawa was ready to tease Kageyama about his bunny and Kageyama knew.
"Please don't."
Kageyama's eyes started to tear up, and Oikawa's smile fell. Panic shot through Oikawa like a rollercoaster, starting in his chest and moving through the rest of his body.
"Tobio are you all right? Please don't cry!"
Kageyama couldn't help it. He let it out, and the fear he felt the night before oozed out along with the tears. His hands flew up and gripped Oikawa's shirt tightly.
"Pl-please don't... make fun of me..."
Kageyama was not known to be emotional. He barely ever cried or let his emotions get the best of him, but when it came to Oikawa his emotions where chaotic. He didn't know what or why he was feeling so vulnerable...
"I... I won't... Kags, just please don't cry..."
Oikawa gripped his cheeks softly and wiped the tears away, unsure of himself.
"It's alright, calm down... I don't care that you sleep with a stuff animal, if it makes you feel any better, I sleep with a blankie..." Oikawa blushed, looking above Kageyama's head at the pillow. Kageyama got the hint and let go of Oikawa. He reached under the pillow to feel something incredibly soft, he pulled it out, and there it was. Oikawa really did sleep with a blankie! (If you don't know what a blankie is, it's basically just a tinie-tiny blanket that little kids cuddle with; my cousin has one)
Kageyama's tears disappeared along with the feelings that had erupted through him. A sense of calmness surrounded him, and he pulled Oikawa down ontop of him into a hug.
Oikawa was shocked by the sudden action, but soon grew calm in Kageyama's arms. He began to play with his soft black hair. He smelt like blueberries and milk, which was kind of weird. After a while Oikawa pulled away, even though he didn't want to.
"Wanna go out?"
Kageyama nodded, he wanted to stay at their dorm alone, but he didn't want to upset Oikawa.


Oikawa decided today after school they would make their way to his family restaurant when they were out getting coffee, so Kageyama laid an outfit on his bed. It was a nice outfit; he wanted to impress Oikawa's parents.

Bokuto yelled in excitement. Oikawa nodded and Akashi grabbed Bokuto's arm and forced him to sit down.
"I can't wait to get soba!!"
Akashi said in agreement, which surprised both Oikawa and Bokuto. Akashi had seemed resistant to go, like he hated the whole idea, but now he seemed happy about it...
Oikawa asked, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. Akashi nodded, his eyes making their way to meet Bokuto's.
"I love soba."
Akashi's words cut Bokuto's heart in half, but not in a bad way; a good way. Bokuto really was in love with him, and he wouldn't want it any other way.


"Hey, Bakayama! This is Noya, he's an upperclassman!"
Hinata said, pointing to a dual color haired boy. How is he an upperclassman, he's shorter than Hinata!
"What's up Bakayama!"
Tobio already knew he didn't like this guy.
"That's not my name..."
He snarled and the older, yet shorter, boy laughed.
"Of course not! It's just fun to say!"
Hinata jumped up and down, and soon Noya joined. They kept saying baka over and over again. Kageyama left them in annoyance to get to class. Boke Hinata. Stupid Noya.


Oikawa, Bokuto, and Akashi all walked out of class.
"We're going to head to our dorms to get changed, your parents will be there right?"
Akashi asked in a very formal voice. Oikawa restrained himself from giggling at the boy.
"Of course! It is a family business, or is it not?"
Bokuto blushed, and it was clear to see that Akashi was speaking for him, and not himself.
"We'll see you later!"
Bokuto shouted before grabbing Akashi's arm and sprinting off towards their dorm room.

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