🥛It's Raining, It's Pouring🥛

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Kageyama listened to the soft droplets of water pitter-patter on the roof. He felt sad, almost unsure of himself. Oikawa laid asleep, oblivious to Kageyama's state of mind. He wanted to shout out in pain. What was wrong with him? Everything was fine! The rain picked up, and Kageyama got up to open the window. Once the window was open he instantly shivered from the cold. He loved the smell of rain, but it did little to calm his aching heart. What's wrong with me?
"Maybe it's..."
he looked over to Oikawa. No, it couldn't be him. Could it? After everything, how could it be Oikawa? Kageyama sighed before getting back in bed and pulling the covers over himself.

-Flash back-
"I don't know, dad..."
"It's all right, Tobio."
"I know... I just... really miss him! But I just... I can't"
Kageyama yelled. He was afraid. Why did everyone leave him? His best friend, gone... ashamed of him... just because of money!
"You can't keep up like this, this grudge is going to ruin you!"
His father pointed out, looking out the window. Rain drops were racing each other down the window.
"I... I want to, I really do! But... I can't."
His father sighed, staring out at the wet grass and the blowing trees. The wind made the house sing in despair.
"Somethings are worth saving, ya know Tobio? I just don't want you to regret everything because you couldn't accept someone's simple apology."
Kageyama felt like crying. It wasn't his fault the stupid idiot left him behind and now suddenly wanted him back! It wasn't his fault he couldn't let it go! He wanted too so badly. His best friend, his brother... he wanted Kageyama back, but he couldn't accept the apology. Kageyama ran away. He couldn't, not today. He ran and ran, feeling the cold rain on his skin. The thunder made his hair rise on his arms, the wind made him run sideways, and his tears fell along with the rain.
"I hate you!!!!"
He stopped running, looking into the stormy sky.
"I hate you, stupid Asuma..."

-Back to present time-

The rain came with so many memories. Both good and bad; sadly, it was more bad than good. Somehow Kageyama still loved it. No matter what the rain came with, he loved it. No matter how cold, or how intoxicating it could be, he loved it. The smell, the feel... Kageyama rolled over with a sigh. Stop thinking! Oikawa was beginning to remind him of the rain. The way he couldn't quite hate him, but not entirely love him... it felt like an endless cycle of confusing emotions. Kageyama sighed before reaching over and grabbing his phone and AirPods. He played his "sad" playlist called: Tears

(If you'd like to listen, I actually have a playlist for this!!! Made it special for this book!!! Go to Spotify and look up the name Tears, or my username Kageyama'smilklol, you'll know it when you see it😉)

Kageyama stared at the ceiling, feeling his chest ache with longing. He didn't know what he wanted, but he knew it had to be something. Each song played, and Kageyama even shed a couple tears. Soon it was four am and ironically, the song "It's Raining, It's Pouring" comes on. Kageyama listens to the music, but gets easily distracted by Oikawa, who was switching positions in his sleep. He watched as he got comfortable, and when he was done, he didn't look away.

It's raining, it's pouring
My eyes, oh, they're storming
And I don't wanna leave this bed

Kageyama watched as Oikawa's chest went up and down silently. Why do I feel this way? He thought, while analyzing Oikawa's sleeping face.

It's raining, it's pouring
It's four in the morning
And I don't wanna cry
But I need you here 'cause I'm a mess

Kageyama related to the lyrics. I mean, it is raining, and it is four in the morning, but the other parts he related to too.

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