🥛So It's A Double Double Date!?!?!🥛

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Oikawa spelled no out to try and get it inside Kageyama's head that he did NOT want to go on a date with three other couples.
Kageyama spelled it out before grabbing Oikawa's collar on his shirt and pulling him in close.
When Kageyama only received a blush and a head shake that meant no, he smirked, getting an idea.
"Please, Daddy?"
Oikawa pushed him away gently before turning around to hide his...situation.
He said in defeat, which made Kageyama smile.
"You won't regret it, Daddy!"
He yelled excitedly before texting his group chat he put together.

Milk🥛 (Kageyama)
9:00 am - He said yes!!!

Salt🧂 (Tsukishima)
9:10 am - okay.

Lollipop 🍭 (Yamaguchi)
9:12 am - what should we do?

SugarRush🍫 (Bokuto)
9:14 am - Shopping or amusement park!!!

SugarLess👨🏻‍🍳 (Akashi)
9:16 am - I was gonna say the movies, but we all know Bokuto could never sit through that.

9:20 am - that's not true!!!
9:20 am - 😭

9:20 am - who are you two anyways?

9:21 am - they're friends of Oikawa's.
9:21 am - and ofc me
9:21 am -✌️😙✌️

9:23 am - Anyways, the mall sounds good to me. Wby Tsuki?

9:23 am - sounds fine to me. Kags?

9:24 am - sounds good to me. Let's meet there at 11:00 and then we have some time to shop before lunch.

Rooster🐓 (Kuroo)
9:25 am - sounds good 👍

9:25 am - 🤪👍


"What kind of date is this?"
Bokuto asked Akashi as he pulled a black sweatshirt over his tight fit shirt, which made his abs pop.
"A group date?"
Akashi didn't really know what it was called himself. He threw Bokuto a grey flannel, which Bokuto quickly pulled over his hoodie. Akashi on the other hand wore some light grey sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt that was a light yellow.
"So it's a double double date!!!"
Bokuto said brightly with a grin on his face. Today was the best day of his life. Akashi was giving him a shot.


"Tsukiiiii!!! Get up and get dressed!"
Yamaguchi whined, trying to pull Tsukishima off of the bed he was laying in.
"Nooooo. I don't wanna!!"
Tsuki groaned when Yamaguchi succeeded in getting him to fall off of his comfy bed.
"That hurt."
He muttered before grabbing Yamaguchi and pulling him close. He whispered, "You're gonna pay for that when we get back," into his ear. The statement made Yamaguchi blush red.


"Hey guys!"
Kageyama shouted as they entered the small cafe. He ran over to the two couples that were already seated.
Oikawa said lamely before telling Kuroo to scoot over. The four couples had a eight seated booth. Kuroo did as he was told and Kenma leaned over to look at Oikawa.
"Hi, Oikawa. How's your family?"
He asks Oikawa curiosly. Kuroo laughs.
"Such a curios kitty..."
Kuroo whispered into Kenma's ear, making him blush out of embarrassment.
"They're fine. You still wanna come to the restaurant?"
"Yeah! Mind if I bring a friend?"
"Yeah, I don't mind. Who are you thinking of bringing?"
"Well of course Kuroo, but I'm going to bring my friend Hinata also."
"I assumed you would bring Kuroo. I actually know Hinata, Tobio~Chan doesn't like him much."
"I know. Hinata talks about him a lot, except he says their best friends."
Kenma's eyebrows furrow. If Kageyama didn't like Hinata, then was Hinata lying to him?
Bokuto shouts, interrupting the pudding haired boy.
Kuroo shouted while waving, and Bokuto slid into the booth in front of Oikawa, Kuroo, and Kenma.
"Sup bro!"
They did a hand shake while grinning at each other. They'd been internet best friends for a while, that was one reason Kuroo had accepted this date thing.
"Nice to meet ya, Kuroo."
Bokuto said as Akashi slid into the booth next to them. Kageyama returned from the bathroom he had scurried off to after greating the couple who were seated.
"Hello, Bokuto. Akashi."
He sat down next to Oikawa, who instinctively put his hand on Kageyama's thigh.
"Hey, Kags! When are the two dorks getting here?"
Bokuto asked excitedly.
"Soon. They said they were on their way actually..."
Right as Kageyama said that Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walked in, holding hands. Bokuto's eyes lit up and he smiled before waving towards them.
"Hey guys!!!!"


"I can't believe Bokuto did that!"
Oikawa said while laughing. Kageyama and him had just gotten home from their, "double double," date.
"I'm surprised that Akashi didn't make him leave sooner, he was so hyper!"
Kageyama said, hanging his coat up.
"I know! That's probably why he dumped the water all over the floor trying to show Tsuki how he jumped over the fence at P.E.! When he was 15."
Oikawa laughed before going over to the fridge and pouring both him and Kageyama glasses of milk.
"He's crazy."
"Are you and Hinata best friends?"
"Hell no!"
Kageyama's eyebrows furrow in the thought of Hinata as he sat down and took his milk from Oikawa.
"Kenma told me that he knew Hinata, and that Hinata said that you two were best friends."
"Maybe in his mind we are..."
Kageyama grumbles, taking a drink of his cold milk. Oikawa sits down and kisses his cheek lightly, sending butterflies through his stomach. Oikawa then takes a drink of his own milk.
"You should be nicer to him. I think he really enjoys your company. Who knows, maybe you two could grow close..."
"Yeah. No. I don't think so."
Kageyama rolls his eyes. Grow close, who does he think I am! He thought.
"Just think about it. Okay?"
Kageyama only said okay because he loved him, and wants him to be happy. If being friends with Hinata will make him happy, then he would do it.

I'll do it one hundred times over. Just for you.

A/N: GUYS!!!! I know how I'm going to end this book! And I know how I'm going to start off the second one!!! You guys will probably hate me lol! But I think that it will make the plot juicy, because basically... I'm just writing as I go😅
Anyways. I'm writing slow and I don't know how many chapters will be left until I end the book. So, hang in there! I'm getting to it!
Love ya <3

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