🥛Oikawa's Parents🥛

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A/N: okay look. I know nothing about Oikawa's actual parents, so I'm making them however I like lol. They will kinda be like OCs I guess.
Also I will be writing Oikawa's first name instead of his last name to avoid confusion.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Oikawa~San!"
Bokuto shouted to Tooru's father before stuffing his face with soba. Akashi nodded his head in thanks before eating, calmer than Bokuto of course.
"So, Kageyama, you're Tooru's roommate right?"
Tooru's mother asks, setting down everyone's drinks. Bokuto grabs his Amazake quickly, and starts drinking it. Akashi pays no attention to his water and continues eating. Of course, Kageyama had gotten white milk, he never really drank anything else. Tooru was given his favorite; milk tea.
"Yes ma'am."
Kageyama said before grabbing his milk eagerly and taking a swig. It was extremely cold, which satisfied him. Tooru watched him closely and nervously.
"Oh, please, call me Azumu."
"Okay, ma- I mean Azumu~San."
Tooru sighed before he started to eat his cold soba. Ever since he was a small child he had always liked soba better cold(enter Shoto Todoroki lol).
"Are you guys dating?"
Tooru's mother whispers to Kageyama, not wanting to embarrass Tooru if she was incorrect with her assumption.
Kageyama gagged on his milk when he heard her softly whispered words. Dating!?!?!
He shook his head no and she whispered the words sorry before backing away to go get the desert. Her words lingered in Kageyama's ears. She thought we were dating? Kageyama looked over at Tooru, who was now making fun of Bokuto; who was choking on his soba.
"...you dips*** why did you think that was a good idea!"
Tooru laughed at Bokuto, and Kageyama looked back down to his food. Tooru was definitely not his type. Nope. Nope. Nope.


Tooru's mom had brought out mochi for them to eat, and the four boys talked and talked for hours among themselves and occasionally one of Tooru's parents. Now they were walking out the door and saying their goodbyes when a young boy suddenly ran up to Tooru.
"Tooru! You missed my match!"
The boy hit him in the gut, making him double over in pain.
"Hey, watch it!"
Tooru said before kneeling down to the younger boy. Kageyama watched the two, confused. Bokuto and Akashi were to busy bickering about soba to notice what was even happening.
"Takuro, you'd know I wouldn't miss it if there wasn't something important!"
The boy frowned at the words, he knew they were true, but he was still upset.
"I know, uncle Tooru..."
That's when the gears finally clicked for Kageyama. Nephew? He didn't even tell me he had a sibling!
"Now, Takuro, I have to get going. I'll make your next match, alright?"
Tooru said while standing up and shooting a heart throbbing smile to Takuro.
Takuro groaned before hugging Tooru. When the two were done the four boys climbed into the car. Bokuto fell asleep almost instantly, but it took awhile before Akashi zoned out also.
"When where you going to tell me any of this?"
Kageyama asked as soon as he hear the light snores coming from both Akashi and Bokuto.
(Okay now I'm going back to Oikawa!)
Oikawa looked over at Kageyama before averting his eyes back to the road.
"I don't understand."
"Of course you don't."
How is he so stupid?!?! Kageyama thought angrily. Oikawa frowned, still keeping his eyes on the road.
"You didn't tell me anything about your family restaurant, then you didn't tell me you had siblings, and then I meet your nephew; one I didn't even know you had!"
Kageyama gripped his pants to restrain himself from doing anything he'd regret.
"I didn't think you'd care..."
Oikawa trailed off. He was telling the truth, he thought since Kageyama was a super star, he wouldn't care anything about a small town boy.
"Well I do. Alright?"
Kageyama looked out the window, and Oikawa stole a quick glance his way. He was embarrassed he even said that to Oikawa.
"I have an older sister, but we don't normally talk, I take Takuro out a lot to make up for that. My family has always been a small town business owner, we even co op. with Iwai~Chan's family farm. That's how I know Iwai~Chan so well. We've known each other since we were babies...."
Kageyama was now looking at Oikawa, paying as much attention as he could. He didn't understand why he wanted to know this so much.
"We even have rivals!"
Oikawa laughed but Kageyama was intrigued.
Oikawa looked over before answering.
Kageyama's eyes widened. He'd heard of the place. Kuroo had posted something about going there and eating.
"I know that place."
Oikawa smiled, "doesn't everyone?"


When the boys got back the parted their ways. Oikawa and Kageyama entered their apartment; Oikawa laughing about Bokuto.
"Did you see his face!?"
Kageyama nodded while taking off his shoes. It was a long, yet fun, day. He was still sort of upset with Oikawa, but now he was in a better mood.
He hummed walking over to where Oikawa was standing, taking of his coat. He grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him. Oikawa's cheeks turned bright red, which only made Kageyama's smirk turn into an evil smile. He leaned in before saying, "you smell," and pulling away.
"Hey! How rude!" Oikawa immediately said, his cheeks still glowing. Kageyama chuckled before taking off his shirt, trying to tease him even more with his six pack. Oikawa found himself staring; analyzing every inch of Kageyama's toned body.
"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?"
Kageyama asked with a smirk, causing Oikawa to blush even harder.
"N-no! I'm sorry! I didn't r-realize."
Oikawa turned around, not looking as Kageyama changed. Thought went in and out of his head. What if i... Oikawa started to turn his head, but Kageyama was one step ahead.
"No peeking."
He hummed, and Oikawa instantly snapped his head back; embarrassed with himself.

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