The Proposal and The Wedding

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    As a couple months went by, Levi got dressed for the day and Aki was getting ready to show Levi something that would change both of their lives forever. Levi was still stressed about the last incident between him, Akito and Erwin. He even believed that he wasn't good enough for Akito. But even after the fight, Akito still made Levi feel that he was enough and that he loved him more than anything . Akito on the other hand, was excited and couldn't wait to show Levi his surprise for him.

     Later that day Akito walked around the survey corps base looking for Levi and when he finally found him he grabbed his hand and ran outside. "Aki?! Where are taking me? I was talking to Erwin about something," said Levi confused as to why Akito grabbed his hand and ran. "Erwin will understand I want to take you somewhere and show you something," said Akito. Levi was still confused but followed his boyfriend anyways. Soon enough Akito stopped running once he got to a place that looked like a secret garden. There was candles on the ground, surrounded by roses and the sun was slowly falling creating a beautiful sunset. Levi was puzzled and couldn't believe why Akito would ever do this for him. Akito put a blanket down on the ground so Levi and him wouldn't dirty their scout uniforms. As Levi sat on the ground he looked up at the sky and watched the sun set. "Beautiful i always love watching the sun set and see the stars appear," said Levi. Akito smiled and stared at Levi. He knew why he loved Levi and wanted to take their relationship to the next step.

     "Levi I need to ask you something," said Akito. Confused, Levi looked at Akito and tilted his head a little. "Ever since the day i met you I knew i wanted to marry you someday and i wanted to protect you. The day when you finally smiled for the first time in years made me feel so happy because i made you happy enough to smile. I want to spend the rest of my life with you , and so....will you marry me?," said Akito as he got on one knee. Levi teared up a lot and said, "Yes! of course I will marry you, You stupid brat." Akito smiled and pulled Levi closed and kissed him and wiped his tears. As Levi kissed back, he couldn't believe that Akito proposed to him and that they would get married in a matter of a few months.

       After 4 months went by, it was the day of the wedding. Akito was waiting at the front of the Alter standing next to the priest and Armin since he was his best man. Levi on the other hand was inside stressing out. "Levi its okay you will be fine," said Erwin trying to calm down a nervous Levi. Levi sat down in a chair and placed his head in his hands, "Erwin I don't know what to do. I have been dreaming of this day for a long time but what if this is a big mistake? What if he leaves me?" Erwin sighed and sat next to Levi. He knew Levi was in love with Akito but also knew that Levi would have doubts. "Levi. You love Akito and he loves you back.But if Akito does break your heart you have me and Hange there to comfort you but for now go out there and marry the man you love," said Erwin. Levi sighed and got up. While he walked out to the ceremony, he started getting flashbacks. Not the bad ones, the good ones of him and Akito together. As Levi saw Akito, he smiled and took one last deep breathe and walked down the aisle towards his soon to be husband.

     As the wedding ceremony ended, everyone gathered in the mess hall that was decorated with beautiful blue and green decorations. Some tables had a blue shimmery cloth and the roses were painted a silver color to represent the Survey Corps. While other tables had a green cloth covering the table with the same silver painted roses. While everyone admired the decorations, Levi and Akito went to the balcony. "Can you believe that we are married Aki? I honestly never thought I would be standing here married to the man I love," Levi said as he looked up the sky admiring the beautiful sunset. Akito didn't pay attention as to what had Levi said and just admired him. He was so happy that through everything they had been through, they made it out and were gonna be happy for the rest of their lives. "Aki? You okay you have been staring at me for awhile," Levi said as he looked at Akito with a concerned expression on his face. Akito picked Levi up and sat him on the edge of the balcony and kissed him. The two lovers were so happy that they could spend the rest of their lives with each other and couldn't wait to grow old together.

   After the ceremony was over, everyone went back to their rooms. Levi and Akito sat on their bed. Their hands were entangled together as Akito ran his other hand through Levi's hair. "Aki, I'm happy that we are married, but you have to keep your promise that you won't get yourself killed," said Levi as he looked at his and Akito's rings. Akito sighed and pulled Levi closer. "I will don't worry and let's not talk about the bad tonight." As Levi sighed, he got up, but got pulled back down, "Levi I'm being serious." "I have to work on some stuff though." Akito pushed Levi down. "Not tonight shorty." Levi's face turned a bright red and covered his face as he looked up at Akito. "Hey don't cover your face." Akito pulled Levi's hands away and got closer to his face, but was stopped. "Aki not tonight I have a meeting with the higher ups tomorrow," said Levi as he pushed Akito off. "When then," asked Akito. "When all the titans are gone." "Levi," Akito whined. Levi rolled over and pulled the covers over himself. "Stop whining and let's go to sleep I'm tired." Akito sighed and pulled Levi close and entangled his legs with Levi's and wrapped his arms around Levi's waist and kissed his neck. "Goodnight shorty." "Goodnight Aki."

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