A Good Deed Gone Wrong

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As the sun rose for a new day to begin, Levi was still asleep as Akito held Levi in his arms. He missed the feeling of holding him and he was glad that Levi was getting the rest he needed. Akito began to slightly get up, but as he moved Levi started to move around in his sleep and his eyes slightly widened. "Aki.... What time is it?", said Levi half asleep. Akito froze and sighed. "It's about 12 o'clock and before you get all mad, I already talked to Commander Erwin about how you should have a week off " Levi sat up and groaned. As he looked at Akito with some rage, he sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. "Akito we have another mission coming up in a couple weeks and I can't go slacking off just because you think I should have a week off."

Akito knew Levi would say that so he ran out the door and locked it. At first, Levi sat on the bed in shock but once he came to realize what just happened, he quickly got up and tried to get the door to open. "Akito I swear to god open this door right now!" Akito stood in front of the door and held the handle tight. He didn't want Levi to get out until he was calmed down, but he knew his plan would most likely not work. After many tries, Levi eventually kicked the door down knocking Akito down as well. "Levi! What the Heck?!" said Akito angry. Levi ignored Akito and headed towards Erwin's office, but Akito grabbed his leg making Levi fall to the ground. Levi's eyes darted in Akito's direction and the two began fighting. Cadets, Captains and Nurses were appearing from every corner watching in shock.

The sound foots steps was heading towards Akito and Levi's direction and everyone began fleeing instead of the couple. Suddenly the footsteps stooped and Akito looked up and tried to make Levi stop, but none of his tries were working. "Captain Levi and Cadet Akito....My office now," said Erwin in disappointment. Levi froze for a second then got up and walked behind Erwin with his head down. "This is your fault you know," Levi whispered to Akito. Akito got up and as he walked next to Levi, he glared at him and began to speak, "My fault?! I just wanted you to take a break for once in your life but-." Before Levi could respond, Erwin turned around and grabbed Levi's arm and continued to walk. Once they walked into Erwin's office, Akito sat down in a chair and Erwin sat Levi down next to Akito then sat down. "I don't know what reason you two had to fight, but this needs to stop," said Erwin angry. Before Levi could respond Erwin put his fist on the table. "You don't get to talk because your emotions have been getting out of control and that is why I'm demoting you to be a cadet for a week or until you start acting correctly." Anger raged in Levi as he stood up and left Erwin's office slamming the door shut.

Akito still sat in Erwin's office with his head in his hands, stressed out. "Don't worry he will calm down. I have done this many times to him even before you joined," Erwin said as he got up and sat next to Akito. Akito sighed and looked up, "I'm not worried it's just....I... ugh he can get on my nerves so much when I try to do good things for him it's like he doesn't do anything for our relationship and its annoying." Both Akito and Erwin began to talk for a while about Levi and eventually Akito decided to leave. As he walked out all he could think about how mad he was at Levi for how he acted.

When the day was coming to an end, Akito sat in the mess hall alone. Levi walked by the entrance then stopped as he saw Akito and leaned against the doorway. "What are you doing all alone brat? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Akito glanced at Levi then looked back down. "Go away Levi I don't want to talk to you right now." Levi didn't listen and sat in front of Akito and put a piece of paper in front of him. Confused Akito stared at the paper for a few seconds then decided to pick it up and open it. When he opened it, it revealed a paragraph that was written by Levi. As Akito read the note he began to tear up, "Levi..."

The note read: Dear Akito, I know you are gone, and you will never see this note, but I'm sorry for everything. I wish I could say I'm doing okay, but I'm not. You made me happy even when I didn't show it and when I learned that you were gone, I felt like a part of me was gone. If you are reading this because a miracle happened and now you are alive, I hope that you are happy and with someone else because you deserve better than me. Love, Levi.

Levi sighed, "Look.... I didn't want to tell you, but that is why I was upset at you. I just didn't-." Suddenly Akito got up and walked up to Levi as he sat next to him and grabbed his hands. "Look I know you are worried that something will happen to me again, but you should have never written something like this." Levi looked down and tears started to fall down his face. Akito cupped Levi's cheek and wiped his tears away, " and I understand that you believe I don't deserve you, but I do because you make me happy too Levi and even if you don't show it I still know that you are trying to and that's enough."

Levi began to tear up more and Akito embraced him in a hug, holding him close. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry." Akito played with Levi's hair, "Shh it's alright, but I do want you to do one thing. Take a break with me for a week and we can spend more time together and build our relationship." Levi nodded and just stayed embraced in Akito's arms and slowly fell asleep. Akito looked down at Levi and smiled a little. He picked him up and went to their room and laid him down and held him close. After a few minutes Akito began to drift off to sleep as well. In hopes they wouldn't fight; Akito couldn't wait to spend a week with Levi in peace.

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