The Underground Mission

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      As Akito made his way back to the bedroom, he opened the door, sat on the bed and gently rubbed Levi's back. Levi slightly shifted in his sleep then his eyes opened slowly. He looked at Akito for a moment but didn't say anything and instead sat up and leaned his head on Akito's shoulder as he yawned. "You okay," asked Akito. Levi nodded. Akito put his arm around Levi and pulled him closer. "Well Erwin informed me that me and you have a mission we have to go on today." "Where?", asked Levi. "The underground district." Levi quickly lifted his head off Akito and quickly started getting changed to go. "In a hurry are we," Akito asked as he observed Levi from the bed. Levi didn't respond and threw a duffle bag at Akito accidently hitting his face. Akito sat in shock and placed the bag on the bed and got up. "Levi." Akito was cut off by Levi as he grabbed Akito's arm. "One question, have you ever been to the underground," asked Levi. Akito nodded. Levi sighed and let go of his arm. As he finished packing, he walked over to Akito who was standing at the door and kissed him on the cheek and the two walked out holding each other's hand.

     Levi and Akito walked over to their horses, Levi stopped and looked up at the sky. "Levi? You okay" asked Akito as he turned and looked at Levi. Levi looked at Akito then back at the sky. "Yeah I'm fine let's just go," Levi said as he got on his horse and rode away. Akito sighed and quickly rode after him after getting on his horse.

    The two soon arrived at the underground stairs. Levi quickly got off his horse and put on a navy-blue cloak that wrapped like a scarf and took off his Survey Corps Jacket and put in the duffle bag. As Akito got off as well, he did the same except he put on a grey jacket. When Akito was finished, Levi put his knife in his boot pocket and quickly tossed the duffel bag and placed a barrel on top of. "Levi please don't run off and tell me to stay behind if you find Kenny." Levi began walking down the stairs with caution, "I will do whatever I want to do brat in order to protect you as well as complete the mission." Akito glared at Levi as ran to walk beside him. "I'm sorry, but I'm tired of you treating me like I'm just some cadet when I'm also your boyfriend." Levi came to a halt and grabbed the back of Akito's jacket pulling him back. "Well get this through your head now, here we aren't together. Also, if you think you know everything about me you really don't-." "Then tell-." "Don't cut me off," Levi yelled as he slapped Akito across the face. He then let go of Akito's jacket then continued walking down the stairs.

    As soon as Levi started walking off, he felt a fast wind blow by him. He quickly grabbed Akito and hid. Frustrated as Akito was looked down at Levi in anger then suddenly pushed him against the wall and kissed him. Levi froze and pushed Akito off. "What the?! Akito-." A slap mark soon appeared on Levi's cheek as Akito slapped him then grabbed his sword and held it against Levi's throat. Levi stood in such shock and in rage. He had no clue what had gotten into Akito. "It doesn't feel good to get slapped and have a sword held against your throat by someone you love, does it," asked Akito glaring at Levi. Levi continued looking up at Akito in rage, "Drop the sword now." Akito held in closer to Levi's throat making a tiny mark. Levi winced and grabbed the sword shakily with his hand as he tried to get free. " If you promise me that you won't run off and tell me to stay behind if you find Kenny and if you do promise me then I will pull my sword away." Levi quickly nodded and Akito pulled the sword away.

    Levi fell to the floor and started coughing. Akito leaned down and pulled Levi's chin up and started cleaning up his wound. "Look I'm sorry, but you don't know how tired I get when you're always tell me what to do and treating me like I can't defend myself." Levi coughed and slumped down lower, "It's alright and I'm sorry too." Akito smiled slightly and helped Levi up. As he did, he felt a fast blow of wind behind himself and quickly turned around and noticed a dark figure running into a house. "That's probably one of Kenny's men," Levi said as he pulled up his hood and began walking towards the house.

    Sounds of footsteps began to be heard as Levi and Akito walked in. The room was dark and neither of them could see anything. Levi grabbed a match and lit it to create some light. He then found a small crack in the wall and hit it. When he hit the wall, it opened to reveal a staircase going down farther into the underground. Akito face looked shocked, "Levi how did you know how to do that?" " I used to live here for over 15 years," Levi said as he began walking downstairs.

    Once they got to the end, Akito looked around. "It looks somewhat different than what I can remember." Levi stopped and looked at Akito. "Wait you lived here too?" "Yes, but not as long as you." Suddenly Akito saw the mysterious figure walk into a bar. He grabbed Levi's hand and walked into the bar. The two looked around and there was no sight of the figure. "Hey, let's sit for a minute and relax its been a couple hours," Akito said as he sat down at a table. "Are you serious we need to find that guy or else-." Akito cut Levi off," Look if we don't take a break, we won't have enough energy to find them so please listen to me for once and take a break." Levi hated being told what to do, but he sat down with his arms crossed as he looked to the side. Akito smiled and shook his head, "I love it when you pout." Levi turned fast at Akito and glared at him. As Akito laughed hard, Levi kicked his leg and turned away from Akito. "Ow! Come on Levi was just messing with you but..." He grabbed Levi's face making him turn towards him, "I do love it when you pout and how flustered you get afterwards." Levi's face turned a bright red as quickly pushed Akito's hand away.

    As Akito laughed again he saw the figure. The man started to charge towards Akito, and Akito quickly got out his sword and held it against the man's knife. Levi quickly got up and pulled out his knife as he pushed Akito behind himself, holding the knife against the man's neck. "I know you are one of Kenny's men so tell me where Historia and Eren are now before I cut off your head." The man smirked and turned his head towards a dark area of the room. Levi followed the man's gaze and saw Kenny and two men holding Eren and Historia hostage. Levi glared at Kenny, "Let them go Kenny." Kenny walked towards Levi and grabbed Akito and held a knife to his throat. "You think I'm going to listen to you rodent, those kids are going to make me money so what I will do is let this pretty boy of yours go and you two will leave and never return." Levi grip on his knife became tighter as his eyes darted from Akito then back to Kenny. He needed Eren, Historia and Akito to come back but he also knew it would be difficult to take down Kenny and his men alone.

    Suddenly the sound of windows shattering filled the bar. Confusion and fear filled the room as many people began to flee, but Levi and the rest stayed. Levi looked around and saw hooded people run in and start to fight Kenny's men. A man lifted his hood and looked at Levi then smiled. It was Erwin. A sense of relief filled him as now all he would have to do is to just save Akito from Kenny. Akito began squirming and kicking Kenny to make him let go, but then a sense of pain filled him as he was cut by Kenny's knife on his neck then let go. "You Rodent this isn't over," Kenny said as he ran out but was met by another hooded figure. "Oh no you don't your being arrested by Section Commander Hange of the Survey Corps." Kenny stood in shock and was placed in handcuffs and escorted out.

    Levi looked down at Akito and sighed. "You are never going on a mission ever again," he said as he walked out of the building. Akito quickly got up but was stopped by Hange. "Just give him some time." Akito pushed his way passed Hange ignoring her and grabbed Levi's arm. "No! I Just got my neck cut and just because of that you are not going to let me go on anymore missions?!" "Yes! It could have been worse! You could have gotten killed Aki!"

    Anger filled Akito and he punched Levi in the face and was soon restrained by Hange and before Levi could hit back, he was restrained by Erwin as well. "Enough. The two of you will be separated for two weeks is that understood?" "I'm fine with that," Levi said as he glared at Akito. "That's okay with me too because I'm planning on leaving the Survey Corps," Akito said as Hange took him away. Levi looked at the ground as anger and sadness filled him. Erwin looked down at Levi and tried to hug him but was pushed away as he saw Levi walk back up the stairs to the upper ground district to go back to the base.

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