Together for a Day

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      The next day soon arrived and Akito woke up and looked out the window. He shielded his eyes as the sun was shining brightly almost blinding him. He got up and closed the curtains and looked back at Levi who was asleep. It was a rare sight to see Levi sleeping, so Akito wanted him to sleep as much as he could. After he got dressed in the Scout uniform, he kissed Levi's forehead and walked out of the bedroom to go and make breakfast for himself and Levi. 

   As Akito walked back to the room after making breakfast, he opened the door and froze. "Levi you're supposed to be asleep," Akito whined as he walked over to Levi who was sitting at his desk working on paperwork. "Aki you know I can't just sit around doing nothing when there is stuff to be done." Akito took the paperwork away from Levi and placed the plate of breakfast infront of him. "I understand that, but you're taking the week off remember?" Levi sighed and began to eat the breakfast that Akito had made for him. While Levi was eating, Akito walked over to a drawer and placed the paperwork Levi was working on in it, then closed it. "Now I have a couple plans for today but I know you will be really happy about our first stop." Levi finished his food and walked over to Akito. "Tell me where we are going you stupid Brat." Akito looked down at Levi and smiled. "You mean my stupid brat, and you will just have to wait and see," said Akito as he walked out the door. Levi's face turned a bright red as he walked out the door then locked it shut. 

    After the two headed to the stables and got on their horses, they began to head into town. The town was filled with merchants and civilians walking around buying things they needed and enjoying the beautiful summer day. "Theres so many people out today it's disgusting," said Levi as he got off his horse and tied the leash to a wooden pole. As Akito got off and tied his horse up as well, he went and hugged Levi from behind. "Oh come on Levi stop being such a downer and be happy for once." Levi quickly pushed Akito off and began walking away. Akito glared at Levi slightly and grabbed his hand and led him to their first stop. As the two walked through town, Levi felt a presence of someone, but he couldn't tell who and started to become very tense. Akito noticed this as Levi's hand was holding onto his very tightly. Akito then gently put his arm around Levi's shoulder and rubbed his hand, "Hey, everything is okay you can let your guard down there's not a titan in sight." Levi looked down at the ground and sighed. It wasn't the fear of titans that scared him. It was the fear of someone.

   As the two got to the destination, Levi looked up at the sign on the building and read "Tea Shop". His eyes widen and a small smile appeared on his face and quickly walked inside pulling Akito along with him. The shop was small. It had 5 tables that had small teacups with flowers in the middle as a centerpiece. The shelves were filled with teacups and different types of tea. Levi walked up to the counter and ordered his normal black tea and Akito ordered some food then took a seat at one of the tables near a window. As Levi sat down as well, he looked outside and his smile was gone. Akito looked at Levi and put his hand on Levi's knee. He knew Levi was still nervous about something but he wanted him to finally enjoy something and be happy. After a couple minutes had past the waiter brought there food and tea. As Akito started to eat the food, Levi still looked outside and didn't even pick up his tea. "Levi. Stop worrying so much and please just drink your tea." Levi looked at Akito and sighed then picked up his tea and slowly drank it as he continued to look outside. 

   After thirty minutes, Levi began to calm down and relax. Him and Akito talked about the next mission and how it may go. Suddenly a man walked by the window and Levi's eyes met with his. Levi's eyes widen and fell off the chair and to the floor. "Levi!," said Akito as he went down to him. The man looked away from Levi and lowered his hat as he walked away with a smirk on his face. Levi's body was shaking a little. Akito grabbed Levi's arm and helped him back on the chair. "Levi are you alright? Who was that?" Levi looked up at Akito as tears fell down his face. "He....He...we need to go back to the base." Akito looked at Levi confused. "Levi-." "Now!," Levi said as he got up and walked outside and got on his horse. Akito ran after Levi. "Levi! Come on everything is fine and everyone at the base is fine so why don't we-." Levi suddenly grabbed his forehead. His head began to ache and anger filled him. "Something is going to happen and I'm leaving with or without you." As Levi began to ride away, Akito soon got on his horse and road after him. He didn't know what was going through Levi's mind, but he knew that Levi had good instincts. 

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