Missing and Secrets

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    Days had soon past by after Levi and Akito's wedding. Levi got dressed for the day and suddenly heard a knock on the door. "I will be right there," Levi said as he was finishing getting ready. A cadet suddenly burst through the door. Shocked, Levi turned around and before he could scold the cadet, he saw their face. They looked terrified. "Cadet what is the matter?" The cadet started breathing heavy, "Sir... Sir its commander Erwin... He's missing." Fear overcame Levi as he quickly ran out of his room heading to the stables. Akito who was practicing his combat skills with Armin quickly noticed Levi and ran over to him. He grabbed Levi and he could see Levi was in distress. "Levi what's wrong?" "Something happened to Erwin. Let go of me," Levi yelled at Akito as he struggled to get out of his grasp. "Levi wait stop I was going to tell you after I was done training with Armin, but I think you should know why he might have gone missing," said Akito. Levi looked up at Akito in terror.

    Akito hugged Armin goodbye and took Levi inside to their room to explain. "What happened to Erwin Aki?" Akito sighed and sat on the bed. "The day after our wedding, Erwin pulled me aside and was saying how he was happy for me and you." Levi sat next to Akito, "Okay but what does that have to do with him going missing?" "Well if you would let me finish, I would tell you that he started acting odd and not like his normal self." Levi quickly sat up. "How odd?" "Really odd. He started saying that he wished he would have told you his true feeling before me and you met. He also said that if he went missing one day that I shouldn't tell you because he knew you would go looking for him." Levi looked down as tears started to form in his eyes. "Did you ask why he would go missing," Levi questioned. Akito shook his head. Levi shakily sighed. He wondered why his best friend would suddenly go missing. "I cannot believe that he would leave especially when everything is starting to calm down," Levi said as he leaned on Akito.

    Akito wrapped his arm carefully around Levi and held him close. "Aki?" "Hm?" "Do you remember how when we went to the underground city and how I told you I used to live there," Levi asked.  Akito nodded. "Well I wasn't lucky enough to get myself out because of a family member or having enough money to buy my way out." "Then how did you get out of there then," asked Akito. "Erwin... He captured me and a couple of my friends because well... we were thugs." Akito started to burst out laughing. "My shorty was a thug. The rough and tough captain who follows every order he is given was a thug." Levi scoffed and pushed off Akito. "I hate you and for your information I only followed orders because I owed Erwin my life brat" Akito pulled Levi back and held him close, "Oh come one I was just messing with you, but I can see that."  Levi sighed and leaned back on Akito. "Anyways at that time of my life I was okay. I had friends and I protected them. We were a good team. But when he saved me, I honestly hated him and tried to kill him multiple times even before a particular expedition." Levi's eyes started to tear up again as he began to remember past memories. His body started to shake, and his breathing started to get tense. "Levi? You alright," Akito asked as he laid Levi down. "I... can't... get... Hange...," said Levi. Akito quickly got up and ran to Hange's room. "Hange," Akito yelled as he burst through the door. "Akito? What's wrong, Hange asked. Before she got a reply, Akito grabbed her wrist and ran back to his and Levi's room. When they walked in, Levi was shaking more violently than before. Tears were streaming down his face as he was pulling his hair. Akito quickly rushed over to Levi and grabbed his hands as he held him close. "Shh... Levi it's okay," Akito whispered as he rocked back and forth holding him. Hange walked over to them and kneeled down then looked up at Levi. Levi looked down at her then quickly nuzzled his head into Akito's shoulder and continued to sob. Hange gently rubbed Levi's back, "Levi hey it's alright you're just having another panic attack it will be over soon." "Panic attack," asked Akito. Hange nodded. "He's had them for a while now I'm surprised you didn't know." Akito sighed. As Hange stood up she tried to hand a notebook to Akito, but was stopped."Hange.....don't...." said Levi as he held the notebook away from Akito. "Levi he needs to know." Before Levi could reply, his body began to shake. He quickly  nuzzled his head into Akito's chest.  Hange handed Akito the notebook. She went to walk out then whispered, "Those are the records of his attacks, but for now the best thing to do is to just let him relax even if he does become overly clingy that's how he just gets it all out." Akito nodded and laid Levi down and walked Hange out then closed the door.

    He looked over at Levi who had fell asleep and started to think about why Levi had never told him about the attacks let alone never had one in front of him before. Akito walked over to Levi and sat by his side and opened the journal and began reading the records.

Levi Ackerman records:

Record 1 – Date: 1/31/ 847: Panic attacks, Symptoms: Shaking and pulling of hair

Record 2 - Date: 2/28/847: Panic attacks, Symptoms: Shaking and pulling of hair

Record 3- Date: 3/5/847: Panic attacks, Symptoms: Shaking and pulling of hair

    Akito quickly closed the notebook. He couldn't bear to read anymore. "There's so many," He whispered to himself as he looked at a sleeping Levi.

     After a couple hours past, Levi woke up and he looked at Akito who was still holding the notebook and sighed. "She gave that to you didn't she," asked Levi as he sat up. Akito gave Levi no response but instead threw the notebook on the ground and stormed out. Levi quickly got out of bed but felt that he was losing his balance. After Levi regained his balance, he ran out of the room and headed outside.  He saw Akito sitting by a tree and walked over to him and sat down. "Please don't be mad." "How could I not Levi. Why wouldn't you tell me that you were prone to getting panic attacks," Akito asked as he stared out into the distance. "I didn't want to worry you," Levi said as he looked down at the ground. "Levi we are married now we need to be open about stuff like this. What if Hange was on an expedition and I didn't know what to do huh," Akito asked as his voice started to sound angry. "I would have gotten over it I don't know why you're making a big deal out of this it was only one time," Levi replied. "ONE TIME. Levi you have had panic attacks since the day you came to the survey corps and apparently you had one on our wedding day," Akito yelled.

     Anger quickly overcame Levi and he pushed Akito down then began to punch him. Akito pushed Levi off and pinned his arms down. "Enough we aren't doing this right now." Levi's eyes glared at Akito as he began to knee him in the stomach. Akito groaned and held Levi's arms tighter. Blood started to trickle from Akito's mouth as he soon gave up and fell onto Levi. Levi froze and held Akito close. "Aki I'm sorry I don't—" Akito cut him off and rolled off Levi and stared at the sky, "Just... Let's lay here for a while I can't fight with you anymore." Levi sighed and nodded. The two laid on the grass for hours. Words were hardly said other than the occasional I'm sorry. They both were happy that they were married, but they wished that some secrets were told before they both said I do.

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