The Battle to Save Humanity

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    As the Titans began to swarm the surrounding Islands, it was too late. Humanity was doomed. The citizens ran, the soldiers fought, and the titans stomped the earth until the world was flat. The survey corps soldiers swung into action and began killing off as many titans as they could. There was one common goal for all of them to complete. To kill Eren Yeager in order for Humanity to heal from the wounds of his actions.
         On a nearby hill that was not yet touched by the titans, stood Akito and Levi watching. Levi wasn't nearly in shape to fight off the titans, but he knew he needed to fight till the end. "This is horrific I don't know if we can defeat him," said Akito as he watched the battle. Levi looked to his side and then back towards the damage. This reminded him of the battle of Marley. Weylin gripped his sword and tried to run but felt a hand on his shoulder. "Easy Akito not yet," said Erwin as he stood behind the couple. "You will get your chance to defeat Zeke once and for all but be patient." There was one thing Weylin was not. Patient. "I thought after all these years you would know that I don't sit around and wait for the perfect timing Commander," laughed Akito. The two exchanged glares. "Will you two stop acting like a bunch of obsessed idiots. We have more to do than just watch our fellow soldier sacrifice their lives just for us to sit around," said Levi as he got up from the ground shakily.
Akito quickly stopped Levi and sat him back down. "Levi, I understand, but you have to stay out of this one. I can't lose you." Levi rolled his eyes and pushed Akito aside. He then quickly pulled out his swords and used his odm gear to jump into the action. Before Akito could even try to follow him, he felt his shoulder still held onto by Erwin. "I know we have had our issues, but Levi needs you now more than ever so go and dedicate your heart to him." Akito gave Erwin a quick nod and went running after Levi but stopped and turned towards Erwin. "If anything happens to me, promise me that you will take care of Levi and make him happy." Erwin nodded and signaled Akito to go and fight.
         Everyone in the Survey Corps began fighting and killing the titans one by one. The war was beginning to turn on the side of Paradis, but that wouldn't last forever. Loud rumbles came from the earth as titans of all kinds appeared to be rising up from the ground. "Captain there's too many," yelled a cadet. Levi jumped in the air and dodged the titans as best as he could. The titans began grabbing and crushing the soldiers one by one and hope was starting to be lost. "Levi, we need to get out of here," Akito said as he rode his odm gear along with Levi. Levi made no response and watched soldiers being murdered. "Levi come on answer me." Levi looked at Akito and sighed. "I don't know what to do, but we can't back down." Levi closed his eyes and took a deep breath and began killing titans at a fast rate.
     Titans began to fall down one by one and everything was turning in humanity's favor. Soldiers looked in awe as they saw all the titans were extinct. Weylin looked around and smiled as he couldn't believe that the battle was finally over.
      Suddenly Zeke's titan appeared and began reaching out for Levi. Akito quickly used his odm gear to get quickly get to Levi. Levi was paying no attention as to what was coming after him and started going towards the rest of the soldiers. "Levi! Look out," Akito yelled out towards Levi and pushed him out of the way as Zeke grabbed him. Levi quickly turned around and watched as Zeke held Akito tight in his hand and then crushed his body. His eyes widened as tears and anger filled him. Levi quickly cut through the titans' nape and grabbed Akito and went toward the hill.
Levi laid Akito down and noticed that his ribs were broken. He undid Akito's shirt and wrapped it around his torso as tears fell down his face. "Aki stay with me I will get you help just please stay awake." Akito began coughing up blood and reached his hand up to Levi's face as he cupped his cheek. "'s going to be okay." Levi looked down at him and tears began falling from his eyes more rapidly.
      Levi's squad came up from behind the couple and watched their fellow friend and soldier dying in their captains' arms. "No don't say that you will live. You have to live. I can't... I can't lose you." Akito smiled up at him and rubbed his cheek. "Oh, Levi. I'm glad I met you in this life and please continue to live and build a good life for you and Henry. I love you so much." After those last words, Akito's hand fell off of Levis' cheek and his body became ice cold. Levi looked down and grabbed Akito and began to sob into his chest. "NO! COME BACK! PLEASE," Levi yelled and held tighter onto Akito's' chest. Erwin kneeled next to Levi and rubbed his back, "It's going to be okay Levi I promise."
        Levi shifted away from him and stood up as he held Akito's limp body in his arms. He looked out towards the battle and noticed that all the titans were dead, and humanity was finally free. Citizens below were celebrating and hugging their loved ones. Levi was happy, but his heart would be broken forever now that his lover was dead.

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